Tactical Gun Review
YHM Ti Phantom .30 Suppressor Review
Yankee Hill Machine Company is well know for producing quality products. The YHM Ti Phantom .30 caliber direct thread suppressor continues that tradition of quality and value. The Ti Phantom is a full sized .30 caliber suppressor featuring Titanium / Inconel construction that weighs in at only 15 ounces. The stainless steel version is 28…
Nightforce Optics Announces NX8 Family of Riflescopes
New 8 Power Series Kicks Off with a True 1x Capable Optic Lavonia, GA, U.S. – (December 15, 2017) Nightforce® Optics, leading manufacturer and marketer of premium sport optics and related products including riflescopes, spotting scopes, and accessories, today introduced a completely new category of optics to their line of finely crafted and durable riflescopes. The…
Lyman Shooting Bags
Lyman is well known for producing great products and their reloading handbooks are the bible of shooting sports. I recently had the opportunity to try out the new Lyman shooting bags – Match, Crosshair Combo Set, and Wedge – and they are all first-rate. Testing gear for Tactical Gun Review and Texas Outdoors Network can take…
Gunwerks Announces the Release of the GRB Bolt Rifle Action
Cody, WY – Custom rifle manufacturer Gunwerks announced today that it will release the GRB bolt rifle action for the first time to the general public. The GRB action is a complete ground-up bolt rifle action with a Remington 700 footprint, compatible with most Remington 700 inletted stocks. The 416 stainless steel body can…
A continuation of my introduction to long range shooting. Hopefully I provided some insight into getting started shooting long range and you are interested in exploring this side of the sport. Today, we get into more detail on the gear that enables you to be more consistent in hitting your targets. You might not need…
Dead Air Sandman-K Review
The Dead Air Sandman-K is a cool, super-compact 7.62 suppressor measuring only 5.4″ long and weighing in at a slim 12.8 ounces. The standard Keymount muzzle break serves as the Quick Attachment point. The beauty of this system is that it only adds 2.9″ to your overall rifle length. Nice twist on the pricing. Dead…
U.S. Army Fields SIG SAUER® M17/M18 Pistols
Newington, NH (November 28, 2017) – Today the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) became the first unit to field the U.S. Army’s new M17 and M18 Modular Handgun System. The 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st ABN DIV (AASLT) began fielding the new handguns today at Fort Campbell, Kentucky under the command of Col. Derek K.…
Silencer Shop Authority: AAC Ti Rant 45M Silencer Review
Today we take a look at the awesome AAC Ti Rant 45. Normally, 45 silencer reviews are conducted with 230g ball ammo that is subsonic. I thought it would be cool to do something different and run some hot ammo. I had some 185 JHP from Double Tapp ammo that runs 1200 FPS. It’s definitely…
Sighting in a mil based scope (cool target alert)
It’s really easy to dial in a mil based scope if your scope has a good reticle, you can use it to measure how far your scope is off from the point of aim and dial in the corrections. However, it’s hard to hold the scope perfectly still and get down to .1 mil increments. …
First, we must define “Long Range”. What is long range to you? Webster doesn’t define “Long Range”, other than “relating to or fit for long distances” If you asked me that same question 20 years ago, I would have told you it was 300 yards.
StunMaster Stun Guns
Stun Master stun guns are powerful and inexpensive. One of the most popular stun guns in the world because of their High stopping power and overall effectiveness. Whether it’s a stun gun or stun batons, all these devices have safety switches and wrist straps. This Self Defense weapon will aid you in your self defense…
Tikka T3x Tac A1 FULL REVIEW
Scotty Ledgerwood of Amorphous Gear shares his thoughts on the Tikka T3x Tac A1 chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor. In this video review, Scotty will walk you through the Tikka T3x, Kahles K624i scope, Harris bipod, and why he believes this is THE rifle to run. Check out all of his reviews on the Amorphous Gear channel.…
How to Become a Spotting Scope Expert
As a hunter, birdwatcher or plain enthusiast, nothing beats the view provided by a spotting scope. Well, nothing but a telescope but that’s a different matter. We are here to discuss spotting scopes and how you can be an expert at using one. Spotting scopes provide magnification at greater capacity than any other hunting equipment.…