Category: TGR Handgun Reviews

  • Springfield XDS Part 2:

    Springfield XDS Part 2:

    Hello, welcome to Pt. 2 of the Springfield XDS 45acp review. This will be short and sweet. Pretty much this pistol is the greatest invention since the stuffed crust frozen pizza. I thought technology had reached it’s pinnacle with the delicious cheesy crust frozen pizza and we may as well abolish the patent office. Nothing else was needed…

  • Springfield XDS 45 Review: Part 1

    Springfield XDS 45 Review: Part 1

    Today I got my hands on the Springfield XDS 45, after a long, long wait I finally have the pistol I asked Mike Coker to buy me if he could at SHOT Show. I pre-ordered this pistol right when we first saw it at SHOT. My dealer finally got one! At a good price too after…

  • EAA Witness 38 Super Review

    EAA Witness 38 Super Review

    Today I want to review the EAA Witness in 38 Super. I bought this gun back in about ’04 if I remember right. I’ve fired it countless times and have found it to be an excellent pistol both in the way she’s built and the accuracy has been excellent too. So if a high capacity, heavily built all…

  • Staff Handgun Review: Dan Wesson Valor

    Staff Handgun Review: Dan Wesson Valor

    By staff writer: Charles Coker I love 1911s, I consider John Browning’s design to be the ultimate marriage of engineering, craftsmanship, functionality and ergonomics.  Yes, I have my plastic guns and they absolutely serve a place.   But as far as pure enjoyment of shooting, nothing to me beats a 1911, not even a nice…

  • Staff Handgun Review: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm Review First Thoughts

    Staff Handgun Review: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm Review First Thoughts

    By Staff Writer: Kurt Gruber A couple weeks ago at the NRA National Meetings Smith & Wesson introduced a new pistol that is designed specifically for concealed carry based upon its popular M&P Platform.  This new pistol, chambered in 9mm and .40 S&W, is a single stack design that takes the M&P and cuts the…

  • Sig Sauer P229 Review

    Sig Sauer P229 Review

    This is a review of the Sig Sauer P229 .40 S&W caliber pistol.  This particular gun is my primary self-defense weapon and mine is an older model that I have owned for many years now.  It is the base model DA/SA prior to the accessory rail being added and with the older style grip (which I have replaced with…

  • Springfield XD and XDM Review

    Springfield XD and XDM Review

    Today I want to discuss Springfield Armory XD and XDM’s. I have a pile of these things and there’s a reason for it. I think it to be the best thing going in handguns and my first choice for a defensive pistol. I have 7 of them. 3 in 45 acp and 4 in 9mm. 5 are…

  • Staff Handgun Review: Sig Sauer Tac Ops 1911

    Staff Handgun Review: Sig Sauer Tac Ops 1911

    The venerable 1911 has been around forever….well, nearly forever.  It’s been through rough times and good times and there’s no better time to be a 1911 than now.  With its 100 year anniversary just over, we’ve seen a slew of new 1911 models introduced.  While I don’t think that anyone has come up with anything…

  • Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm Review

    Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm Review

    The Beretta PX4 Storm is a thoroughly modern pistol that checks all the boxes.  Polymer frame, yep.  Accessory rail, check.  Modular design, absolutely.  Ambidextrous safety, check.  Interchangeable backstraps, got it.  Mag release options, yes.  Decocking lever, built in to the safety.  Bruniton non-glare finish, yes.  High capacity magazine, 17 rounds.  Choice of calibers, frame sizes,…

  • 360 Tactical Training & Memorial Shooting Center

    360 Tactical Training & Memorial Shooting Center

    I recently attended the Fundamentals of Defensive Pistol course taught by 360 Tactical Training at the Memorial Shooting Center. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their handgun skills. First, I have to admit I went in somewhat skeptical because I had been to the (old) Memorial Shooting Center facility a…


    Last summer I attended 2 handgun classes with KR Training in central Texas. Why take a class? A long time friend of mine had been taking training from Karl Rhen at KR for several years and spoke very highly of him. He eventually became an assistant trainer there himself. Now, I will be honest, I…

  • Staff Gun Review: Ruger SR22

    Staff Gun Review: Ruger SR22

      It was a good day in my world. I just got back in the door from a bit of informal plinking with the G/F’s son. We took off to Johnsons Sporting Goods in Adrian MI. to buy a new Ruger SR22. I wanted this thing the other day when I was in there but somebody put…

  • Best Budget Pistol Ever? Ruger P95

    Best Budget Pistol Ever? Ruger P95

      Today I want to discuss the Ruger P95 9mm pistol. I’ll say this for the record – I think it to be the very BEST full size handgun on the market FOR THE MONEY! If you are on a budget as most people are, I can’t think of a single thing I’d consider buying over a Ruger P95.…

  • Ruger MK 3 22/45 Review

    Ruger MK 3 22/45 Review

      In 1949 my Great Grandfather Lynn, who I had the luck of having around well into my teens, bought a Ruger MK 1 in the local hardware store for 32$. I remember the old man plinking away with it when I was a kid and I was always excited when it came out. I have…

  • Smith Wesson MP 9mm compact

    Smith Wesson MP 9mm compact

      This morning up for review is the Smith & Wesson M&P series 9mm subcompact. I’m not really an M&P fan but I will give it a non biased rundown. There’s really nothing wrong with it and it is just a matter of the way it fits in my hand and the grip angle isn’t…