Author: ccoker
Silencer Shop Authority: AAC Ti Rant 45M Silencer Review
Today we take a look at the awesome AAC Ti Rant 45. Normally, 45 silencer reviews are conducted with 230g ball ammo that is subsonic. I thought it would be cool to do something different and run some hot ammo. I had some 185 JHP from Double Tapp ammo that runs 1200 FPS. It’s definitely…
Sighting in a mil based scope (cool target alert)
It’s really easy to dial in a mil based scope if your scope has a good reticle, you can use it to measure how far your scope is off from the point of aim and dial in the corrections. However, it’s hard to hold the scope perfectly still and get down to .1 mil increments. …
Silencer Shop Authority: Thunderbeast Takedown 22 rimfire review
Thunderbeast is well established for making outstanding silencers for the precision shooter community. They are known for their outstanding accuracy consistency and lack of point of impact shift. Today we take a look at their rimfire silencer, the Takedown 22
Fail Zero 6.8 SPC bolt carrier group and drop in trigger
I am a big fan of coated bolt carrier groups and good triggers for ARs. Do you absolutely need a coated BCG? Well, no, of course not, but I much prefer them to standard ones. They simply run better in my experience, they require less lubrication and clean up easier. Same thing with triggers. A…
Silencer Shop Authority: AAC Halcyon part 2
In our previous installment we covered the details of the new AAC Halcyon Rimfire Silencer. We will now be featuring this cool can at the range and testing it on several different host platforms including a 22LR pistol, 22LR rifle and 22 mag rifle. We will be using both standard velocity bulk ammo as well…
Silencer Shop Authority: AAC Halcyon part 1
What a cool new rimfire silencer from AAC! In this part 1 of 2 series, we take a look at what makes this new silencer so cool.
Silencer Shop Authority: Dead Air Sandman S Review POI Shift and repeat-ability test
We spend some more time with the awesome Dead Air Sandman- S. In this review I will be testing for point of impact shift and repeat-ability on a precision bolt action.
Silencer Shop Authority Dead Air Sandman -S
Today we take a look at the Dead Air Sandman -S. The Sandman-S is their 30 caliber, midsize can. We ran it on an 11.3″ 6.8 SPC and were very impressed with it.
Hurricane relief effort
Our family is from the Texas gulf coast.. It’s just been devestating watching all of this on TV and the internet. We are organizing to help and could use your help to buy essential supplies. We still have friends and family in the area and are in contact with them to make a list of…
American Suppressor Association July Update
HPA in Review: July July was a very active month for the ASA. In all, we made four trips to Washington, D.C., met with dozens of Congressional offices, sat down with staff from the White House, and attended the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s annual August Recess Shoot-Out on August 1st.
Silencer Shop Authority: Long term review – SWR Spectre II rimfire silencer
This review is a long term follow up to my initial review on the SWR Spectre II. I have had this can for 3 years now and have had the opportunity to test a lot of other 22 silencers. So, how does it stack up?
Silencer Shop Form 1 service
The boys at the Silencer Shop just keep doing good work.. truly, the big thing they have brought to the market is to simplify and streamline the process of dealing with the ATF. They can’t make them process forms faster but they can make it easier on you and give you the confidence that it…
Trijicon REAP-IR Thermal Scope Review
Is there anything more fun than hunting hogs at night with suppressed ARs and Thermal imaging scopes? If there is, I haven’t found it yet. We spent an evening out with the new Trijicon REAP-IR thermal scope on my Wilson Combat 5.56 AR putting the hurt on some pigs..
Silencer Shop Direct: Q Full Nelson Review
Today we take a look at a very impressive new Silencer from Q, the Full Nelson.