Author: ccoker
Templar Tactical Archangel and Ark30 Blackout Suppressors
Spent some time at Best of the West shooting range testing the Templar Tactical Suppressors. The Templar Tactical Archangel is very impressive in terms of sound suppression and repeatable accuracy as well. I took the challenge from the range master to hit a golf ball at 500 yards. Not a first round hit but on…
Terralux Tactical Light Review
Looking for a new tactical flashlight? How about one with some innovative engineering ? Check out the new Terralux TT1 and Terralux TT5
Foxpro Spitfire Remote Controller Electronic Game Caller Review
By Staff Writer: Charles Coker Looking to go after some coyotes, varmints, wolves, etc..? Check out the Foxpro Spitfire review
Challenge Targets Stake and Shoot review
By staff writer: Charles Coker Have you been looking for some steel targets but they all seem like a pain to deal with? I had been looking around at options that could be used for both rifle and pistol that were easy to transport and setup that also didn’t take up a lot of space…
Sneak Peak: Templar Tactical Titanium suppressors videos
We just got these in and we captured the first few shots with them
Trijicon TARS sneak peak
By staff writer: Charles Coker Trijicon TARS just arrived! Yeah, these have been out for and we have been on the waiting list to get one of the very few available for T&E.
Sinclair Tactical Bipod Review
By staff writer: Charles Coker A few months ago the nice folks at Brownells sent me a Sinlair Tactical Bipod to test and review. I have spent several months with it and will share my thoughts on it.
Pulsar N750 Digital Night Vision Review
By Staff Writer: Charles Coker Pulsar N750 review We got to spend some time testing the Pulsar N550 and while it was pretty impressive for the price, it did have some shortcomings. The new Pulsar N750 Digital Night Vision scope has definitely made some big improvements.
Weatherby Hog Reaper 7mm08 sneak peak
By staff writer: Charles Coker Weatherby Vangaurd II 7mm08 Hog Reaper arrived and we take a quick look at it for you..
AADMOUNT 30mm Tactical Ring review
By staff writer: Charles Coker Sometimes I am at a loss for words, rarely.. but in thinking of what to write for this review that is precisely what happened.
By staff writer: Charles Coker Looking for a really nice scope mount for your AR15 or AR10?
Zeiss Conquest HD5 3-15 Review
By Charles Coker One of the new items I saw at SHOT 2013 that got my attention was the new Zeiss Conquest HD5 series, specifically the 3-15×42 with the target turrets.
Hayes Custom Guns
In the market for a custom 1911, 2011 Race Gun or Competition AR15? What about Cerakote work? Check out some of the fine work that Aaron and Ben Hayes are turning out at Hayes Custom Guns
Staff Review: Comp-Tac MTAC Review
By Jason Hallmark, Austin Police Marksmanship Unit One of the most important things to consider for daily concealed carry is the holster you select. The holster should give you some level of retention, comfort, and ease of access. I have carried a gun for the last 7 years on my person and have tried multiple…