Tactical Gun Review
3 Surplus European Backpacks You’ve Probably Never Used – But Should
If you’re looking for an alternative to the standard ALICE Medium backpack, you might want to consider European military surplus packs. They range in price from moderate to extremely cheap. Let’s look at three of the most commonly available, the German Kampfrucksack, the large Austrian ALICE-type bag, and the Polish Leopard-pattern rucksack.
Best 3 gun scope ?
Burris recently introduced the Burris XTR II 1-5 and we just got one in. Is this the best 3 gun scope on the market?
CZ guns are in!
Just got back from the Silencer Shop where I picked up two new CZ guns.. The 455 suppressor ready and Practical shotgun. I quickly put them together and put my Spectre II on the 22.
Extended Magazines for Savage rifles by Darkeagle Customs
When getting into long distance shooting, I decided to pick up a Savage rifle to start with. I started with a Savage 12LRP in 6.5 Creedmoor. I chose the Savage for several reasons including the available calibers, barrels that they come with, and that they come from the factory with a detachable box magazine. My…
Texas Tactical Hats
Anyone who knows me understands that I will ALWAYS have a hat on. I have worn all manner of hats, from free trucker style hats to expensive Resistol cowboy style hats. Headgear is important to me and I never leave home without one, even if it gets left in the car at church. The last…
7 Utility Pouches for Your Consideration
If you’re going out to the square range for some super-cool tactical operator operations, you probably only need your rifle, handgun, plate carrier and sunglasses. However, if you’re going to go hiking, zombie-hunting, or even do decent training, you’ll need to carry along some basic necessities. How will you carry them? Backpacks are fine, but…
JEC Customs Quick-Brake
There are a lot of brakes on the market to choose from. All do a decent job of mitigating felt recoil and reducing muzzle rise to keep you on target for faster follow-up shots. Some of the popular ones do a great job but can be very concussive to the shooter and bystanders. As far…
Texas LE Multigun match
9/16/2014 Liberty Hill, Texas The Texas LE Multigun match was held yesterday in Liberty Hill, just outside of Austin, TX. Very cool match with 128 registered shooters.. Lots of swag with great sponsors like the Silencer Shop Check out this video, nice stages and great shooting!
5 Unique Battle Belts for Your Consideration
A battle belt is the modern equivalent of a soldier’s webbing. It’s a great platform for mounting your gear. You can carry water, rations, a first aid kit, magazines and a sidearm on this wonderful piece of kit. It can be light or heavy. Battle Belts can be worn with or without suspenders. The suspenders could…
Graphic Results from live-fire 7N6 Surplus 5.45x39mm rounds – video included
In previous articles, I’ve examined the cost benefit of shooting 7n6 surplus instead of commercial M855 5.56x45mm. In this follow-up article, we will examine the various characteristics of the 7N6 surplus round that lend themselves to Serious Social Purposes. Both rounds were evaluated out of 16 inch barrels, as that is the most common option to…
Puma Skinner Knife Review
Puma is one of the world’s oldest knife makers having been registered with the Knifemaker’s Guild in Solingen, Germany in 1769. Solingen is known as the “City of Blades” and is world renown for cutlery much like Toledo, Spain. Puma is most famous for their White Hunter. The Puma Skinner is a stag handle knife…
Upgrades you must have for your Browning Buck Mark
Want to transform your stock Browning Buck Mark .22lr into a pistol your friends will lust after? Check out the Trail-Lite line of barrels and accessories from the good guys at Tactical Solutions. Now that the friendly folks at the ATF have kindly accepted my $200 tax payment and released the Silencerco Spectre II I…
What Happened to Colorado and Why
by Jim Shults Folks across the Nation have been asking us what happened to Colorado regarding a rash of new highly- restrictive firearm laws and with the promise of legislators of more to come in 2014. Here is how it really happened.
How to start shooting Precision Rifle Matches
As a part time competitive shooter, I have shot a variety of matches including 3-Gun, USPSA, IDPA and more. Shooting major matches is an expensive hobby, and I spent a few years as an RO for a number of major 3-gun matches. A few years ago I attended a small benefit match in Frost…