Category: TGR Handgun Reviews

  • Dirty Harry Classic: The Smith 29 44 mag

    Dirty Harry Classic: The Smith 29 44 mag

      This time we have the Original Dirty Harry gun up for review. Mine is an early 70’s gun in mint condition. 6 round cylinder, the square butt wood grips and a 6 inch barrel and adjustable sights, Dirty Harry all the way. I gave $575 for the Smith 29 out the door. I am very happy…

  • Desert Eagle 44 mag Review

    Desert Eagle 44 mag Review

      Today I want to discuss the Desert Eagle 44 mag. I bought a used Mark 1 for 600$. The finish is black, she has an 8 round magazine, is gas operated with a 6 inch barrel.

  • Desert Eagle 50 cal Review

    Desert Eagle 50 cal Review

        Today I want to discuss my latest purchase the Desert Eagle 50 cal Semi Auto Pistol. This is one HEAVY pretty lady 🙂 It’s huge but I have very large hands so it’s nothing to big for me. We have a semi auto, 7 shot mag, 50 cal, gas operated monstrosity at an over inflated…

  • NAA 22lr Review

    By: Cary Kieffer Today I want to discuss the pro’s and con’s of the North American Arms NAA 22 lr single action revolver with the 1 1/8 inch barrel. Initial impressions is this tiny little thing is well made. Its beautifully machined and a “cute” little thing. I always get “ooh’s and ahh’s” about it whenever it comes…

  • NAA 22 mag Review

    NAA 22 mag Review

      You may have caught my review on the 22 LR NAA. Well this one is for almost the same gun only it’s a larger 22 magnum. All the same stuff applies, well made, reliable ignition of the rimfire cartridges, of dubious self defense use, definitely a fun thing to shoot and a great amount of…

  • Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380

    Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380

      This time I want to discuss the Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 auto. I purchased one about a year ago and have had plenty of trips to the range with it. So here we go.

  • Sig P290 9mm

    Alright it was a good day in my world. I picked up a new Sig P290 subcompact 9mm today at my usual dealer, Johnson’s Sporting Goods in Adrian MI. My man in there Smitty took great care of me as usual.

  • Springfield Armory GI 45 1911A1

    Springfield Armory GI 45 1911A1

      This morning I want to discuss Springfield Armory’s WW2 Commemorative GI 45. I bought one of these to add to my WW2 gun collection, most guns I have in that section of my collection are originals but this was a nice piece and priced right.  A little over $500. In the end I wanted…

  • Staff Gun Review: Keltec PMR-30 22 Mag

    Staff Gun Review: Keltec PMR-30 22 Mag

    The Keltec PMR-30 22 mag pistol has had quite a buzz online since it showed up. I got on the bandwagon and have a little over 500 rds through mine so here’s my thoughts thus far.

  • Ruger 454 Casull Super Redhawk Review

    I got into big bore stuff maybe a year ago or so, so roughly 35 years pulling a trigger (since I was 5) but only a tiny fraction of that with handguns larger than a 45 acp. Here’s what I think so far.

  • Smith Wesson 317 Airlite 22 LR

    This review is to cover the pro’s and con’s of the S&W 317 Air-lite 22 revolver. The thing weighs less than 11 oz, it holds 8 rounds, the trigger is a bit heavy double action and not what you’d expect from a Smith 357 in the single action either. A bit rough and heavy. It…

  • Ruger LCP vs Keltec P3AT

    Hello Folks, you may have read my review on the Ruger LC9 vs the Keltec PF9. Well this is similar only for the 380’s. This one is gonna be short and sweet. I voiced some unhappiness with the Ruger 9mm but with the 380’s it’s only a matter of aesthetics.

  • Diamondback DB9 Review

    The purpose of this post is too present my experiences with the Diamondback DB9 pistol. I know there seems to be some unhappy shooters out there with this gun and I’m sorry you got a bad one. I just wanted to let people know not everybody hates the thing.

  • Ruger LC-9 vs Keltec pf9

    I want to post some thoughts on the Ruger LC9. Well, I am not impressed. I am disappointed actually in a couple of critical area’s with the Ruger. I am comparing it to a Keltec PF-9 (a pair of them) I have had for quite awhile.

  • CZ 75 SA 9mm / 22lr upper Review

    The CZ75 is one of my favorite handguns, it just feels right in my hand.  It’s very ergonomic and like a 1911, points naturally.   I can pick a target out, close my eyes and push the gun up and out, open my eyes instantly pick up the front sight right on target. We decided to get…