Category: TGR Gun Parts and Accessory Reviews

  • Griffin Armament Sportsman – introduction for long term review

    Griffin Armament Sportsman – introduction for long term review

    In my search for lighter products that perform, I was looking for a can that is as light as possible and still performs well on multiple rifles. I looked at Ti cans and while there was a great deal of weight savings, they tend to be more expensive.  I came across the Silencerco Harvester and…

  • NeoMag, the best option concealed mag carry

    NeoMag, the best option concealed mag carry


  • FailZero EXO Bolt Carrier Group

    FailZero EXO Bolt Carrier Group

    Anyone who runs a suppressed semi-automatic gun like an AR-15 knows just how dirty the chamber gets.  Filthy, in fact.  A suppressor works by slowing down the gas through a series of internal baffles.  The slower the gas is released the quieter the perceived sound.  However, this tends to raise the pressure levels and force…

  • Faxon Firearms 16″ SS Pencil Barrel – Initial Impressions

    Faxon Firearms 16″ SS Pencil Barrel – Initial Impressions

    What first caught my eye about the Faxon Firearms 5.56mm stainless steel pencil barrel was its ridiculously light weight. I blinked, looking at Faxon’s website’s at the stated barrel weight of 1.19lbs – just over 19 ounces. That couldn’t be right; my pencil-profile 14.5” middy weighs 21 ounces. So I called up the folks at…

  • South Texas Arms STA-LR in .243 Win

    South Texas Arms STA-LR in .243 Win

    Some time back I had a conversation with Brandon Sneed, owner of South Texas Arms, about a lightweight full frame AR purpose built for hunting. We both understand that there is only so light you can go, and we want premium components which sometimes bring some heft with them. In addition, we considered what calibers…

  • ODIN Works AR15 parts

    ODIN Works AR15 parts

    We just got some cool stuff in from ODIN Works for an upcoming build we are doing.  I was looking for a very lightweight 12.5″ Keymod handguard and came across the ODIN Works unit.  It was certainly very lightweight at 10.3 OZ with the barrel nut/handguard mount and well, it looked cool.   I contacted…

  • MyCaseBuilder Custom Gun Case

    MyCaseBuilder Custom Gun Case

    Do you need a custom case for your guns and gear?  Look no further than  MyCaseBuilder stocks a wide selection of the best-known cases (at competitive prices) and offers their unique Photo Tracer program.  The Photo Tracer program allows you to take photos of your gear, upload the images to the design utility, trace an outline…

  • Samson Evolution Series Hand Guard

    Samson Evolution Series Hand Guard

    As I was building my new 6.8 SPC II Short Barrel Rifle, I began putting together my wish list of parts and accessories.  The first thing I settled on was the barrel – Wilson Combat 11.3″ Match Grade Stainless.  Next decision was which hand guard to install to compliment the Wilson Combat barrel running a…

  • 2A Holsters

    2A Holsters

    We recently got in a few holsters from Tom at 2A Holsters and I thought I would share with you my thoughts. Well, first off, we got an email from Tom asking if we would be interested in reviewing the holsters. We get a lot of requests to do reviews and frankly, we all have…

  • 2A Holster: Custom Holsters for Your Gun and Your Light

    2A Holster: Custom Holsters for Your Gun and Your Light

    Who here would carry a light on their pistol if you could find the right holster? I would and I know a lot of people who would too. Thing is getting the right holster and light combo for your carry needs is very difficult if not impossible for most guns. Why holster companies have not…

  • Staff Review: Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger

    Staff Review: Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger

    by Kurt Gruber, staff writer When I was recently contacted to test the Hard Charger from Devil Dog Concepts, I was intrigued.  I am a fan of the concept of side charging AR platform rifles, but have not seen many good implementations of the concept.  When I was told the Hard Charger would convert a…

  • Glock 19 ATEI RMR Project – Detailed Look

    Glock 19 ATEI RMR Project – Detailed Look

    I have had this Trijicon RMR04 topped Glock 19 set up for just about a month now and around 500 rounds through the combo and have been very impressed so far. 

  • EZ2C Targets Giveaway!

    EZ2C Targets Giveaway!

    Tactical Gun Review and EZ2C Targets are teaming up to giveaway a ten pack of EZ2C Targets! That is 250 targets.  These are awesome targets with a variety of challenging designs.  The lucky winner will receive five (5) packs of custom TGR-EZ2C Targets along with a variety pack of five (5) EZ2C targets. Each pack…

  • PRS rifle tripod

    I have been using this PRS rifle tripod for several seasons and love it.  It is very lightweight and I don’t notice it in my backpack.  I can get setup and just let the rifle sit in it.  It is a great piece of kit and I highly recommend it.   With a Wilson Combat…

  • Glock 19 ATEI RMR Project

    Glock 19 ATEI RMR Project

    The Glock 19 could easily be argued as a “Do All” pistol.  Whether it’s for home defense, concealed carried, pistol matches or even LE/MIL use, the Glock 19 brings a lot to the table.  These pistols are accurate, boringly reliable, there is a huge aftermarket available for them due to their immense popularity, and they…