Category: Guest posts
Consumer Scope Review: Vortex’s Red Dots StrikeFire & SPARC
RedDot Vs RedDot
Trijicon TR20-2G 3-9x 40mm
All around great scope for Texas hunting
TruGlo TFO sights
I use these sights on my Gen4 Glock 23. These sights are amazing. They are very bright in the daylight outside on a sunny day. You can easily pick up your target with these sights. The tritium gas inside these sights also gives it bright night sights for low light scenarios.
MagPul MS3 Sling
The MagPul MS3 sling is a very versital sling in itself. I bought this sling a few months ago and I am not disappointed. I bought the MS3 sling along with the MagPul ASAP attatchment point. The MS3 sling has a excellant texture which is resistant to fuzzing or wearing away.
Consumer Gun Review: Rock River Arms LAR Tactical Operator 2
Excellent AR-15 for $1,000. For what you get straight from the factory is kind of a lot for your money’s worth.
Consumer Light Review: StreamLight TLR-3
The StreamLight TLR-3 tactical handgun light was my first tactical light I have every purchased. I am not upset with this purchase at all. This is the most economic flashlight on the market in my opinion.
Consumer Holster Review: Galco Royal Guard
The Galco Royal Guard Holster is an excellent holster in my opinion. It has more pros than cons. This holster is offered for a wide variety of firearms, but I use it for the Glock 23.
Consumer Holster Review: Blackhawk Level 3 SERPA
In my opinion, you either love the Blackhawk SERPA holsters or you hate them. They either work for you or they don’t. If your department requires you to carry your duty pistol with a level 3 holster and you like SERPAS, then your in good hands.
Consumer Optic Review: Changed from EoTech to Trijicon for FN SCAR 17S
Consumer Review: XLR Evolution Chassis
I ordered up a XLR for a Rem 700 short action. I’m not a sniper school grad, F-Class champ, 3 Gun wizard, or anything of the sort.I’m just a retired combat Vet that enjoys the shooting sports.
Consumer Parts and Accessories review: CompTac Belt
The CompTac kydex reinforced belt is an all around excellent buy. It comes in at around $89 and is well worth the price. The belt is very heavy duty and does not tear or rip like ordinary belts.
Consumer Holster Review: Raven Concealment vs DSG Arms Alpha series
Just a little end user review. I use both DSG Alpha Series and Raven Concealment Systems
Consumer Gun Review: Sig Sauer 1911 XO
I got the 1911 bug again after shooting a few mags of a Dan Wesson Valor. This along with a friend’s Para .40, I found it was time to relight the spark I once had with the 1911 platform. My only previous 1911 was a Kimber Ultra Carry Stainless Series II. The Ultra Carry was…
Consumer Gun Review: Glock 27 Gen4
having tried every other size of the Gen4 flavor it was time for a baby glock.
Consumer Gun Review: LC9 – Ruger’s big, little gun
Not long ago I stumbled into a Ruger LC9. I am not a fan of the .380 or Ruger’s LCP necesarily, but I think they did pretty well with the LC9. The size is in that “not too small, not too big” range that I think most people who carry a gun are looking for.…