by Cary Kieffer | Jul 16, 2012 | TGR Light and Illumination Reviews
Hello again, time for another flashlight review from me, big surprise huh? If you’ve followed any of my reviews you might think I was afraid of the dark. I preach weapon lights are second only to a clean, loaded weapon with which I am very familiar. You might...
by Cary Kieffer | Apr 20, 2012 | TGR Light and Illumination Reviews
Today I picked up another new weapon light. Go figure huh? For anybody who may follow my reviews you can probably guess I have some kind of sick flashlight fetish. I will say again what a huge fan of Streamlight flashlights I am, as a general rule of thumb they are my...
by Cary Kieffer | Mar 12, 2012 | TGR Light and Illumination Reviews
I obviously have a flashlight problem. I can’t pass up a good flashlight. I must be afraid of the dark and just didn’t know it. Here’s the latest, the Rico EVO 2. It’s a 3rd gen light from these guys and it’s tough to find one. There was...
by ccoker | Mar 6, 2012 | TGR Light and Illumination Reviews
This light is produced by Brad at Selph Arms in Austin, TX As an avid hog hunter I am always on the lookout for good gear… I have tried red and red and green LED combos from other manufacturers and have been a little underwhelmed at their effective range. Most...
by Cary Kieffer | Mar 5, 2012 | TGR Light and Illumination Reviews
Howdy, it was a good day in Cary Land. I just got in Streamlight’s latest and greatest new weapon mounted light. The TRL-1 HP. There’s a long list of factory specs so I will just cut and paste them and we can talk about this from there. C4 LED...
by Tactical Gun Review | Feb 29, 2012 | TGR Light and Illumination Reviews
At the recent IDPA Indoor Nationals I was faced with many challenges including shooting low light and no light stages. There were three stages where a flashlight was used or seriously considered and boy was I glad to have mine. I have always used a SureFire G2Z Led...
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