Two LAR Grizzly 44 Mag Pistols: A Comparison

I landed a 2nd LAR Grizzly. I wrote a piece on my first one and I absolutely love it. A man named Jerry Adams commented on my last LAR Grizzly piece saying he wanted to get rid of one. I emailed him and we made a deal. Jerry is a cool dude, it was a pleasure to talk to and deal with him. If it wasn’t for a couple thousand miles between us, we’d have been good buddies. Anyway, I now have 2 44 magnum LAR Grizzlies. To my surprise there are a lot of differences. Jerry’s was one of the first 100 made, mine was one of the last 100 made…only 1000 ever made so this is a unique opportunity to see the differences from the beginning to the end of a sadly short production life.

The Obvious: The early gun I just got has a 6.5 inch barrel, my end of the run gun has a 5.5 inch barrel. As far as looks go I prefer my 5.5 inch gun, I’m betting that extra inch of barrel makes a worthwhile difference when I finally get it to my chrono for some testing. Next, you can’t see it so well here but my later gun has a light gray parkerizing, Jerry’s early gun has a much blacker parkerizing. You’ll see if you look at the top guns mag catch, see the difference? Much lighter parkerizing. I wonder if they switched up from zinc to manganese somewhere in that 1000 gun run? I don’t know.


The Markings: On my end gun the markings are much deeper, crisper and of a different print than the early gun below. It’s not just the finish on the old one not being as nice, they are just better markings.


More Markings: On this side you see the same thing, early gun on the top this time and later gun on the bottom. The end run had better, deeper markings. I would think that with a production number of 1000 guns they would have been all done at once and all the same. Clearly they are not…I wonder if it was 1 run of 1000 or if it was broken up in batches.


The Sights: I really like the late guns sights over the early gun. The later guns sights (on left) are 3 dot and smaller, the early gun has a sight like a “T”. It’s ok but I want to replace them with some different ones. I am concerned over finding a set as even the cut in the slide on the early gun is different.

Different rear sights, I prefer the later version on left.

More Sights: A profile look at the 2 different sights. Old on top, new on bottom.


Even the front sights are different. Early gun on top.

Magazines: The early gun magazine is on the left, note the finish and lines of it are not near as nicely done as a later gun magazine. I wonder if they switched makers? Regardless they all run flawlessly but in person the later mags look much nicer.

Notice the smoother lines and nicer finished look of the later magazine on right. It just appears to be made with more attention to detail.
Notice the smoother lines and nicer finished look of the later magazine on right. It just appears to be made with more attention to detail.

Note the difference in the welds. Much smoother on the later mag.

Weld is much nicer on the right (later) magazine.
Weld is much nicer on the right (later) magazine.

Mainspring Housing Pin: Note on the older gun it sticks out past the frame…replaced with wrong one somewhere?? I have no way of knowing but it obviously sticks out past the frame. This is no biggee and something simple to address once I start the customizing of Jerry’s old gun. Both have the rubber backed main spring housing.

1-18-17 Update: The below pictured pin was broke in half I discovered when I took the frame all the way down. That’s why it was sticking out. I got a new pin at local gunsmith shop.

Slightly beveled mag well on both guns.

Magazine Release: My later gun up front, notice the different mag release buttons. I could care less about the texture but my late run gun has a button that sticks out considerably farther. When I customize Jerry’s old gun I will replace it with a more extended version release.

Both guns have the same wrap around Pachmayr grips. I bought a set of micarta grips, they haven’t arrived yet.

Extractors: Notice here Jerry’s old gun has an extractor that fits flush, where on my later gun it sticks out. It doesn’t make any difference in function but in this case I like the early gun version more.

Notice the extractor sticks out the back of later Grizzly but fits flush on the early version.

Safeties and Hammers: The early gun has a silver polished hammer, my later gun a parkerized hammer. They do appear to be exactly the same hammer besides finish. Also notice both safeties are blued. Neither of them are parkerized. I am assuming this was a part they got in from somebody else, maybe late and they just put them in. Who knows, who cares, they are extended safeties and work.

You may see a slight color difference in the spring tube. Old gun is unfinished metal and later gun (rear one) is parkerized. Again no big deal, just something I noticed that you never would if you didn’t have 2 side by side.

Barrels: Last as you can see the hood is not parkerized on the early gun and is on the later gun. I couldn’t care less either way, just another difference.


Final Thoughts and Observations:

Early Gun: (#86 of 1000 off the line) Smoother slide action yet a stiffer, slightly gritty trigger. Finish is not nearly as nice but that is not a drawback here. Once I get this done up with a cerakote job I have in mind it will look way better than the later gun. I also don’t care for the sights but again they are coming off the gun as soon as I find a suitable set of adjustable nightsights.

Later Gun: (#912 of 1000 off the line) Over all I think it is a much more attractive gun and attention to small details were perfect. I feel like they really had it down pat in the end. I can’t really bring myself to customize such a rare, beautiful weapon. This baby to me is perfect. I love it.

I am planning a total custom build on the older Grizzly. Adding a pistol light rail, night sights, trigger job or possible replacement, new mag release and a super duper Kryptec cerakote job. The old girl will be awesome when she’s done. As that project moves along you will have a pic heavy review of the whole transformation. I want to thank my new buddy Jerry Adams for allowing me the pleasure of owning his old Grizzly. You won’t be disappointed Jerry, she came to a good home and I plan to make her beautiful. (more beautiful) LAR Grizzly pistols are great…just one of the coolest thing I have ever owned. If you ever get a chance buy one. They are rare and pricey, they are also worth every penny. Accurate, reliable and built like tanks. They will take anything you can fit in the magazine and ask for more. Simply Awesome!! Thanks for reading and train often.

Link to the first LAR Grizzly article:

PS. I’m still searching for a 50AE LAR Grizzly. If you have or know of one don’t be afraid to comment here or email me at ca**@ta***************.com   It was Jerry’s comment that got this 2nd 44 mag to me.

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Cary Kieffer

USMC Infantry/Combat Veteran/MUESOC/Sniper School – Med Retired LEO w/ 8yrs on job before Iraq wounds caught up with me.

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41 responses to “Two LAR Grizzly 44 Mag Pistols: A Comparison”

  1. RICK McCABE Avatar

    I have a MK IV in hard chrome with a beautiful compensater on it , looks like it is one piece , comp and barrel I mean . I have a total of three mags , the last two I paid $300.00 each . It is like new , no box tho . It is for sale . Im old , lol. I have two MK I s .in 357 and 10 mm with a 45 win mag and 357-45 conversion barrels .

    1. Jesse Halley Avatar
      Jesse Halley

      Hey there I am interested in your chrome grizzl and your whole lot. I love these guns. Please contact me.

  2. Raul G Alvarez Avatar
    Raul G Alvarez

    Want to convert a LAR Grizzly Mk V to 429 DE. Is this doable using a 44 magnum conversion kit and reaming the 44 magnum barrel to 429 DE? Is there a cheaper route? Do you know if the Mk IV 44 magnum is the same barrel used in the Mk V 44 magnum conversion kit? I read somewhere that someone did a 440 corbon conversion, but I don’t remember what was used. Of course, if a Mk V barrel could be found in 44 magnum all that would be needed would be reaming the barrel? I am interested in buying a Mk V 44 magnum conversion kit

  3. Will W. Avatar
    Will W.

    I figured it out. It was the magazines and the followers. A little tweaking did the trick. In the mean time I managed to find a contact with a ton of old new stock OEM parts. Picked up two spare .44 mag barrels w/bushings, a slide pin, a firing pin stop, a trigger/trigger bow, two more extractors, two more ejectors, two more firing pin w/spring sets, and now have six magazines. Plus separately from Wolfe, two 27lb main spring replacement sets. All in reserve if any of the current parts fail. The last thing I’m questing for is a Millett Dual Crimp Vise Tool Set so I can keep the gun close to original, as the sights are known to work loose. Given the unobtanium nature of discontinued non-interchangeable parts I set out on a unicorn quest now, before it’s too late. I want to make sure this gun can operate well past the time my son is my age so he can enjoy it too.

  4. Will W. Avatar
    Will W.

    Cary, I’m wondering if you can post a photo of the inside chamber of each barrel. I have six extra magazines as I’m working them in and testing different ammo types I’m having feeding issues with my Mark IV. I’m troubleshooting if it is the magazines or the barrel. It seems there are concentric “ledges” on the top of the feed into the chamber and I can’t tell if it is dulled or worn on mine. I’m catching the tip of the cartridge on the top edge of the chamber. Great article. Also I’ve been able to locate two additional new extractors but I’m hoping to find spare firing pins too. Any leads would be appreciated.

  5. Raul Alvarez Avatar
    Raul Alvarez

    Have Mk IV(44 magnum) that I had barrel threaded and a Mk V(50ae) which I plan on having the barrel threaded. My question is what screw on muzzle brake/compensator works the best. Looking for Mk V 50ae magazines? Also, looking for 44 magnum conversion kit and extra 6.5 inch 50ae barrel for Mk V. Looking for Mk IV 6.5 inch 44 magnum barrel?

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Raul, hey man, how ya been. As far as the barrels and conversion kits, I’d set up searches on gunbroker and Ebay. You can get details of listings emailed to you without searching everyday. That’s what I’d do, barrels and conversions are definitely NOT something that pops up daily. Now 50 AE mags, I do see those fairly regularly on those 2 sites. The bad news is I think the cheapest I ever saw 50 mags was $325 EACH…WOW.. 🙁
      That’s why I gave up my 50 Grizzly dreams and got an Eagle. Good luck brother.

      PS. Armslist….I see stuff there now and then but beware of scammers, because there’s a shit ton of them on there. I’ve bought stuff and been fine so far but go the extra mile and talk to them on phone and do a little research. Social media pages…whatever. I bought 6 really nice B.P. antiques from a nice lady in Michigan recently. I talked to her on phone, she sounded sweet. Said husband had died and she was selling. So I googled for his obituary, all checked out. So I sent her $$ and she sent the guns. So all went perfectly but that site is full of asshats so becareful.

    2. Jason Avatar

      Looking for a Mark 4 .44 mag if anyone knows where I can find one

  6. Gary Mitchelson Avatar
    Gary Mitchelson

    Have not seen this mentioned in the article but on my late sn Mark IV I added a Sprinco Recoil Management Guide Rod System, which they still make for Grizzly’s.

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      That might be useful! I don’t mind the recoil but it would be nice if it keeps the empties from ejecting a mile away. How far is yours throwing them?? And are you running hotter loads or cooler loads? Thanks.

      1. Gary Mitchelson Avatar
        Gary Mitchelson

        Unfortunatly I never used the stock recoil system. I don’t have a lot of rounds through this beast. I have actually been considering selling it.

  7. ROGER A SINN Avatar

    ISO 357/45 mag. Any ideas or directions? Thanks.

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      No, I havent seen any pop up lately. I saw a 44 on Armslist a couple weeks back but he wanted 2K for it.

  8. Phil Ehrens Avatar
    Phil Ehrens

    Hi Cary,

    I had a little surprise the last time I was exercising my Grizzly. I shot about 140 rounds when the point of impact suddenly dropped 4 inches and 3 inches left.The second extractor had already lost it’s hook, so the brass was whacking me in the face – But it was suddenly going right where it should (over my right shoulder and about 60 feet away. Whee!). When I go the gun home I did a full strip, and discovered that the barrel bushing had cracked three times at about 12 o’clock.

    So, going by my own experience, it’s extractors and bushings that the Grizzly eats. After several thousand rounds, the barrel o.d. was worn down by about a thousandth at muzzle. Maybe I need to reduce my powder loads by 2 or 3 grains. I think a Bob Cogan compensator job would be a good idea too.

    I have been updating the Wikipedia article on the Grizzly recently. It would be nice if you could add a section about the Mark 4.

    Here in CA, Grizzly’s are very rare, and VERY expensive.


    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Hi Phil, 2nd extractor?? Was it one of the aftermarket supposedly good ones? Or another cast OEM part? Mine are still hanging in there….now that I’ve said that one will break lol.

      I’m not close to mine right now but if I recall…it was a commander style barrel bushing? I dont think a standard 1911 5 inch will fit. When I get home I’ll pop one out of a 5 inch and one out of my vintage Colt Combat Commander and see which one fits.

      Would like to do a Wikipedia thing for you! That’s sounds fun, never did that before so how about you email some guidelines in what I should include. Thanks.


    2. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      I knew it Phil! I shouldn’t have said mine were holding up….extractor broke yesterday in the 6.5 inch barreled Grizz. Man, those cases really whack ya in the forehead. Nice to see the thing still works though. I’ll be ordering 2, one for each.

      1. Phil Ehrens Avatar
        Phil Ehrens

        Welcome to the divot in the forehead club! The EWK extractors are first-rate. Erik is now making the firing pins as well. I’ve been shooting 10mm in my plated Grizz lately – With loads that would scare the pee out of Jeff Cooper. After seeing how the Grizz works with the 10mm conversion, I can see that it would be trivially easy to convert a good, solid 1911 with just a 10mm barrel and an extractor made like the Grizz 10mm extractor. After many thousands of ridiculously powerful rounds, I’ve only consumed a couple of factory extractors and a couple of bushings. No peening or unusual wear anywhere.

        Sorry about the long delay in replying. I’ve moved several times during the last year.

        1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
          Cary Kieffer

          Hi Phil, I got my EWK extractor and firing pin. Extractor took very little fitting. No metal removal at all, just put it in vice and gave it a slight bit more bend. Works like a champ. Def worth the $$.

  9. SFT Avatar

    The LAR Grizzly MARK V pistol in .50 AE is the pinnacle of the LAR Grizzly hand-cannons (in my opinion) as it has conversion kits that can adapt it for lesser caliber cartridges, with the “holy grail” being the .44 Magnum conversion kit. The barrels from the .44 kit for the Mark V can be reamed in the chamber to accept .50 AE cases necked down to accept the 44-cal (0.429 – 0.430” dia) bullets, also known as the .440 CORBON. The .440 CORBON ballistics are impressive out of a 6.5” barrel, giving .454 Casull like energies. Wildcat cartridge builders also ream the barrels from the .45 ACP conversion kits for the Mark V to chamber .50 AE cases necked down to 45-cal (0.451-0.452”). Thus, the MARK V .50 AE is literally “barrels o’ fun” for the diversity of cartridges, both standard and wildcat, that it can be adapted for.

    Sadly, the emergence of the .50 AE variant of the MARK V signaled the end of LAR’s production of the Grizzly series of pistols. This is because LAR was producing the Grizzly pistols under license to the inventor, Perry Arnett, whose patented design was documented up to the .44 Rem Mag chambering. LAR figured that adapting the design to accept the .50 AE chambering would not only prove to make a popular seller, but that it would also release LAR from any licensing and royalty obligations to Mr. Arnett. When LAR began producing the MARK V in .50 AE, they quit paying license / royalty to Mr. Arnett. Perry filed suit for infringement on his design rights, and brought LAR to the courts for a long legal battle. The courts ultimately ruled in Perry’s favor, and issued the legal order to LAR to cease from manufacturing the Grizzly pistols in any chambering without a licensing agreement with Mr. Arnett. Since LAR was already indebted with legal fees [for their representation] from the court battle, and then obligated to pay the legal fees of the plaintiff, they opted out of manufacturing the Grizzly pistols altogether.

    Up until around 2006, Perry Arnett was offering complete rights to the Grizzly pistol design for around $500,000. I do not recall any manufacturing entities purchasing the rights or seeking to license the design for manufacture.

    The LAR MARK V .50 AE pistols come up for sale at with regularity, with one or two posted at auction there every 3 – 4 months. They are usually in excellent to like-new condition, and fetch hammer prices above $2,500.

    One of the most interesting and truly unusual and even “rare” variants of the LAR MARK IV pistol is a 44-cal one that was manufactured by [and branded as] Mitchell Arms. If you’re into the outlier variants, that’s a fun one to set your sights on.

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      That was a great comment full of interesting info I didnt know, the lawsuit and wildcat cartridges. Thanks very much for all That! I love the Grizzlys…they’re just my favorite pistol. I shoot mine regularly, never very much but they almost always make a stage appearance at the range. Totally off topic I received a nice example of the 1884 Springfield Trapdoor 45/70 and been having a blast with that old lady as well. Thanks Kelly 🙂 (Xmas gift) Anyway, thanks again for the info and stopping by TGR. Cary

  10. Brian Avatar

    Carey I have and am going to sell a Mark IV 44 mag and wondered if you had any interested contacts. I thought of the broker but wanted to chat with you first. I have a black 5.5 with orig box and manual with 2 mags,black micarta S&A grips with screws, orig rubber pach’s. Its been stovepipe ported by Cogan at APW. Its in really nice shape and appears fired little. If theres any interest generated here please don’t hes to send anyone my email. Im not a dealer/ffl.

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Brian, tried emailing you, it won’t send?? I do know some people. Please send price and a couple pics to me. Ca**@ta***************.com. or He*********@ao*.com

    2. Raul G Alvarez Avatar
      Raul G Alvarez

      Would like to know if LAR Mark IV 44 magnum is still for sale? If not, do you know of anyone selling one.

      1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
        Cary Kieffer

        I don’t know…I set the seller up with a buyer and asked them to let me know what happened and neither one bothered too. Sorry.

        1. Raul G Alvarez Avatar
          Raul G Alvarez

          Considering compensator for LAR MK IV Grizzly 44 Magnum. Has extended barrel. Any suggestions?

          1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
            Cary Kieffer

            I do not…I know of a guy who has one. I’ll try to get ahold of him and ask. I dont use one myself. I heard you got that baby, he emailed me and said so. Told me about the USPS problem.

          2. Cary Kieffer Avatar
            Cary Kieffer

            It’s an Ed Brown 4 Star Comp. There’s a pic of it on my earlier Grizzly article. Just search Grizzly on this site and look at the first one. You’ll see it.

  11. Phil Ehrens Avatar

    Hi Cary,

    I’m always happy to see any mention of the LAR Grizzly. I own two Mar I’s, both in like-new condition, one with a custom accurizing job and chrome plating by the great Bob Cogan. I put 200 rounds through one of my Grizz’s in the last few days, and sheared the hook off the extractor. It’s easy to tell when the extractor hook gets gone on a 1911, because every case after the failure ejects straight into your face!

    Fortunately I bought several EWK extractors, so tomorrow I’l profile one of my spares and be back in business. I’ve asked Erik Kovachick to make firing pins, and he says they are in the queue, but may take a while. His extractors are beautiful.

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Hi Phil, thanks for comment! I have more Grizzly stuff coming once I get the 2nd one cerakoted. I need to get a couple of those extractors….it’s been talked about on here before but nobody ever broke one. I’m going to get a couple now myself. So thanks for stopping by TGR and saying so. Cary

  12. James pree Avatar
    James pree

    name your offer for the grizzly IV

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      James, it’s not for sale, sorry. I own them both now and there isn’t a realistic price that would pry one from my hands. Like I said before if another one shows up I have your email and phone. Cary

  13. James pree Avatar
    James pree

    Would like to purchase a MarkIV. Name your price

  14. James pree Avatar
    James pree

    Dear sir: very nice grilzzly. I’ve been collecting these pistols and accessories for years. I have a few 81/2 inch grizzlies and also other grizzly guns set up in different calibers. But the only one that I didn’t hold on to was the Mark IV. I got rid of it for some crazy reason. Now I’m trying to get another one. Please keep me in mind. I will very much appreciate it. Thank you sir. You can also call me anytime @903-276-1521

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Roger that James. I stay on top of these comments/articles. When one shows up I will let you know. Cary

  15. Tim Avatar

    Both of my Grizzlies are Mark I models. My early .45 WinMag doesn’t even have a beavertail grip safety. My .357 is a latter gun. Both have the same rear sights as as you show on your earlier gun. Both have the same front sights as your earlier gun too. I’ve heard that they were supplied by Millett. I’m wondering if your late gun has had some work done. Since the barrel hood is Parkerized, the sights are different, and the magazine release is not serrated. Both of my guns have finished hammers. You are correct in the engraving. My early gun has engraving that is not as pronounced as my later gun. Both of my guns have a flush mainspring housing. The earlier has the extractor more flush than the protruding one you show, but the rear of the extractor is more rounded than the later .357. Both of my guns have your late serrated style magazine release button. Both have the 6.5 in barrel option. You have a couple of fine examples and I’m anxious to see your earlier Grizzly mods! Keep us up-to-date on its progress!

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Tim, I think some work done on the later 912 gun is possible. When stripped and I compared feed ramps in the frames, my later gun had a much nicer polishing job on it. As if it had been refinished and then repolished by a pro…it sure is possible that’s what happened.

      Thanks for pointing out some of your differences, I need to set up some kind of picture thing for guys like yourself to send pics and tell me what it is so I can accurately caption it.

      I sure will keep Grizzly lovers updated. First stop will be to have a light rail added. I’ve got a stainless Novak rail coming from Brownell’s as we speak. Ttys and thanks for stopping by TGR. Cary

      1. JASON WHITE Avatar

        Will the later mags for the mark 1?

        1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
          Cary Kieffer

          Jason, is yours a 45 win mag? I tend to doubt it but I can find out for sure in near future. I have a friend with a Win mag. I’ll get back to you on that one. Cary

          1. JASON WHITE Avatar
            JASON WHITE

            It is a mark 1 45 win mag. All I can find are mark v mags online.

          2. Cary Kieffer Avatar
            Cary Kieffer

            Jason, OK I’ll talk to Dennis on that asap. I’m going to guess and still say no they are not compatible. I looked up some close up’s of win mag magazines and they look totally different than my 44 mags. Also they are all stamped with a caliber on the floor plate. Looks to me to be different mags for all calibers. (357, 44, 45 and 50AE) Here is a gunbroker ad for 45 win mag. It’s actually priced alright at $99 and shipping. I recently bought another pair of 44 mags at $113 a piece shipped and that was a pretty good deal….that’s sad and these guns need to be put back in production. Not only because they are awesome but I have to figure eventually mags and other spare parts will run dry. Anywho, as soon as I see my man Dennis, we’ll try it out. Then we will be sure. Cary


          3. JASON WHITE Avatar
            JASON WHITE

            Thanks. Finding info on them is non-existent.

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