Tactical Gun Review

  • ASC 5.45 magazines

    ASC 5.45 magazines

    While I love running the 5.45x39mm cartridge through my AR-15, the weak point to the whole weapon system has always been the magazine. And though the Soviet 5.45 was designed as a reaction to the 5.56, there are some substantial differences between the two cartridges. The most important one is the case angle.

  • Rock River Arms Quad Rail Aluminum FF Handguard – CAR Length

    Rock River Arms Quad Rail Aluminum FF Handguard – CAR Length

    In a world full of extended rails, there are times when a carbine-length rail is needed. Whether running an SBR or simply going with a more traditional look, the shorter handguard has its place. This is where the Rock River Arms CAR length Quad Rail comes in handy. 

  • Staff Review: Hurricane Sandy vs. Froglube

    Staff Review: Hurricane Sandy vs. Froglube

    Hurricane Sandy is being described as “intense,” “dangerous” and “life-threatening.” The hybrid Frankenstorm had everyone (including myself) making preparations, battening down the hatches, and expecting the worst. Thousands evacuated, others huddled together in fear of what was coming. I heard on the radio, “If you don’t absolutely need to be out, stay home.” So naturally,…

  • World’s First Preview of the ASR (Aero Survival Rifle)

    TNW Firearms, Inc. of Vernonia, Oregon has released a new pistol caliber carbine, the that has unique disassembly/assembly capabilities. This rifle can be broken down to its main components in under a minute and stored in a “grab and go” or “bug-out-bag”. The ASR has multiple caliber capability, easily changing from 9mm to .40 S&W…

  • Transition to Tactical: Burris AR-332

    I’ve been a fan of Burris optics for years and I’ve used a variety of their scopes on a few of my guns. I think the brand is one of the best out there, and I haven’t had a bad experience with them. I really wanted a nice tactical rifle and I decided on an…

  • FN PS 90 Tri-Rail Mount

    New laser/scope/flashlight tri-rail mount from Tactical Mounts.

  • Tuff1 Grip Covers

    Tuff1 Grip Covers

    In a previous article on grip tape, I examined some of the possibilities for DIY weapon modification. However, some things need a bit more than bathtub tape. I looked for a product that had all of the grip I needed without being too costly. I found it in the Tuff1 grip cover.

  • SCCY CPX-2 compact 9mm pistol

    SCCY CPX-2 compact 9mm pistol

    The SCCY CPX-2 has all the features you would expect in a modern, semi-automatic pistol. The slide locks back on an empty magazine, the mag drops free and the slide release is well placed on the frame. The magazine itself is a traditional double-stack 10-rounder, which is quite compact. The slide and barrel are 416…

  • My son gets his first buck!

    My son gets his first buck!

    11.26.2012 We had a great weekend of hunting!

  • Deliberate Dynamics Low-Profile Plate Carrier

    Deliberate Dynamics Low-Profile Plate Carrier

    As stated in a previous article, I’m a big fan of not having metal (or anything, really) pierce my tender flesh. In fact, I have spent a large portion of my life trying to keep metal out of my body. Body armor accomplishes this very well. Rifle plates in particular are an excellent way to prevent…

  • DIY Mauer – ATI Modification

    DIY Mauer – ATI Modification

    In the hot summer of 2002, I became the owner of a Yugoslavian M48A Mauser rifle from what was then Moyer’s Gun Shop. Throughout the blazing months of July and August, I fed stripper clip after stripper clip into my rifle and constantly found myself wiping cosmoline off of my rifle’s stock. Having been in…

  • Staff Review: Glock Gen 3 “Hack Job”

    Staff Review: Glock Gen 3 “Hack Job”

    I get asked often for advice on a carry piece. It is hard to go wrong with a Glock 19.  Bone stock they work fine but better sights and trigger definitely improve it.

  • Staff Review: Techwell TGO Magwell

    Staff Review: Techwell TGO Magwell

    TGR does a video review of the Techwell TGO magwell

  • Staff Sneak Peak: Kahles optics

    Staff Sneak Peak: Kahles optics

    Kahles is the oldest scope manufacture in the world.  They are very popular in Europe along with Swarovksi, S&B and Zeiss.  Optically, they are right there with them but the US never caught on due to lack of marketing efforts and proper distribution.  That has changed last year when Ken Pratt, an experienced US military…

  • Cameras and Guns – Part 1

    Cameras and Guns – Part 1

    For a firearms reviewer, cameras are essential. They’re part of our lifeblood. However, getting good images is not only the concern of reviewers. A camera, even a simple one, can show you things about yourself that you’d otherwise never know. It can show you if you are anticipating recoil when firing a weapon, as you…