Tactical Gun Review
Fail Zero 6.8 SPC bolt carrier group and drop in trigger
I am a big fan of coated bolt carrier groups and good triggers for ARs. Do you absolutely need a coated BCG? Well, no, of course not, but I much prefer them to standard ones. They simply run better in my experience, they require less lubrication and clean up easier. Same thing with triggers. A…
Precision Rimfire: A Primer
In the “off season”, if there is such a thing in the shooting world, I try and keep my skills crisp with rimfires. Sometimes it gets downright daunting reloading for a centerfire precision rifle. Enter the lowly, unforgiving, easy to shoot rimfire. I say unforgiving simply because a rimfire at 50 yards using subsonic ammunition…
Silencer Shop Authority: AAC Halcyon part 2
In our previous installment we covered the details of the new AAC Halcyon Rimfire Silencer. We will now be featuring this cool can at the range and testing it on several different host platforms including a 22LR pistol, 22LR rifle and 22 mag rifle. We will be using both standard velocity bulk ammo as well…
Silencer Shop Authority: AAC Halcyon part 1
What a cool new rimfire silencer from AAC! In this part 1 of 2 series, we take a look at what makes this new silencer so cool.
Blackhawk Sportster Range Bag Review
There’s nothing quite like a trip to the gun range. Whether its indoor or outdoor, there’s something to be said about the planning of what guns to take, getting in some great practice while you’re there, and then coming home and cleaning up your guns. If you’re like me, then it’s a hobby that you…
Silencer Shop Authority: Dead Air Sandman S Review POI Shift and repeat-ability test
We spend some more time with the awesome Dead Air Sandman- S. In this review I will be testing for point of impact shift and repeat-ability on a precision bolt action.
Trijicon Holds One Millionth ACOG® Celebration in October
Celebrating Its Soon-to-be-Produced One Millionth ACOG with 24 Days of ACOG Sweepstakes WIXOM, MI (September 19, 2017) – Trijicon® is proud to announce the soon-to-be-produced one millionth ACOG® 4×32 riflescope. From the home of Trijicon founder Glyn Bindon to the front lines of America’s greatest fighting forces, the Trijicon Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) has grown…
Silencer Shop Authority Dead Air Sandman -S
Today we take a look at the Dead Air Sandman -S. The Sandman-S is their 30 caliber, midsize can. We ran it on an 11.3″ 6.8 SPC and were very impressed with it.
Hurricane relief effort
Our family is from the Texas gulf coast.. It’s just been devestating watching all of this on TV and the internet. We are organizing to help and could use your help to buy essential supplies. We still have friends and family in the area and are in contact with them to make a list of…
Q Half Nelson & Q Full Nelson Video Review
Silencer Shop sent us the new Q Full Nelson and Q Half Nelson suppressors for testing. They are very impressive at a great price point. All titanium construction, lightweight, and excellent sound reduction. Q silencers come from the shop of Kevin Brittingham – the founder of AAC and designer of the Sig cans. Q Suppressors Silencer…
Top 10 Deadly Mistakes Which You Should Avoid While Deer Hunting
Are you intending to hunt deer this season and fed up of facing issues through previous trials? No worries at all. You are going to get the best tips and tricks here! It is a fact that: Deer hunters make a few mistakes unconsciously while hunting. And eventually, they get their hunting experience get spoiled.…
Ballistic Advantage 10.3″ 300 BLK Video Review
Tactical Gun Review video review of the Ballistic Advantage 10.3″ 300 BLK complete upper. 300 Blackout is all the rage these days and so we decided to build up a suppressed 300 BLK SBR to use for stalk hunting wild boars here in Texas. Of course, it would also make an excellent home defense or…
Mid-Evil Industries 360 VFG
The Mid-Evil Industries 360 Vertical Fore Grip is an innovative design that allows the operator to position the VFG to their personal preference. The fore grip is constructed in two sections. To unlock and re-position, you simply hold section one (the top piece), loosen section two, set it however you like, and then lock it…
American Suppressor Association July Update
HPA in Review: July July was a very active month for the ASA. In all, we made four trips to Washington, D.C., met with dozens of Congressional offices, sat down with staff from the White House, and attended the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s annual August Recess Shoot-Out on August 1st.
How to get involved in Competition Pistol Shooting
There is a misconception with some folks that gun owners only have guns for self-defense or hunting. But that is not true! A lot of folks who own guns, have them because they like to compete in shooting sports. These sports might not have the same media exposure as golf, baseball or football, but it…