NAA 22 mag Review


You may have caught my review on the 22 LR NAA. Well this one is for almost the same gun only it’s a larger 22 magnum. All the same stuff applies, well made, reliable ignition of the rimfire cartridges, of dubious self defense use, definitely a fun thing to shoot and a great amount of fun to get out at a range. Everybody wants to try it. This review is going to go from the self defense side just like the other one did.

The pro’s- Unlike its smaller 22lr brother the NAA 22 mag has a grip 3 times the size of the LR. This larger grip has afforded me the ability to actually see the sight and get a real hold on the pistol. Pop cans at 20-25 feet are not all that difficult to hit with this little guy. Unlike the 22LR which I would need an aircraft hanger door to shoot at that far away. The 22 mag packs a little wallop too. With the introduction of “short barrel 22 mag ammo” from Hornady and a couple others this little thing has a pretty solid punch. Keeping in mind earlier 22 mag loads were probably set up for rifle length barrels, not 1 1/8 inch barrels. I am guessing they changed to a faster burning powder to get as much speed as possible before exiting the short pistol barrel. Hornady has the Critical Defense brand 22 mag with a 45 grain bullet boasting 380 power. I will see as soon as I can score some of this ammo.

22 magnum and matching blade


The cons: It still has a terribly slow reload, still 5 shots and still better choices out there in roughly the same size range. If you are large enough to hide this your large enough to hide a 380. I can see this as an ADDITION to a larger gun, still cannot recommend it as a good single choice. I want something else, thats my opinion. I can see it as a back up but will probably never be my primary defense tool. Take a look at my bank robbery scenario in the other NAA review and ask yourself the same question. Do I really want to try and engage multiple armed thugs with a card table gun?? My answer is NO!

Giving credit where it’s due though I do love my little NAA’s. I’ll always have them. To me they are keepers. Well made and a blast to play with at the range. A tip: Get your buddies and a large target, stand back 25 or 30 yards..furthest shot away from the bullseye buys the beer after the range or the winner gets his guns cleaned by the losers, these things are fun from that standpoint.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting.

By: Cary Kieffer


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Cary Kieffer

USMC Infantry/Combat Veteran/MUESOC/Sniper School – Med Retired LEO w/ 8yrs on job before Iraq wounds caught up with me.

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3 responses to “NAA 22 mag Review”

  1. Shoji Avatar

    Who makes that knife?

    1. Cary Kieffer Avatar
      Cary Kieffer

      Some guy in china….you can find them on ebay. At least you used too. I’m sure it’s in a box around here somewhere. If ya can’t find one and want it I’ll start looking.

  2. Cary Kieffer Avatar

    Finally getting some of these older posts updated with pics. Heres a nice pair thats good for the ladies…is it because the Hornady Critical Defense packs a pretty good punch?? No…its because its “cute”…and MOST importantly it “matches”…..Oh for the Love of God…..but thats how alot of ladies think!! So if thats what it takes to get her to carry some heat then capitalize on it…it beats harsh language or hysterical screaming….

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