Author: ccoker
308 Subsonic ammo testing
I needed some subsonic 308 ammo to do some testing with and so I called my friend Chad from Dallas Reloads. I have ran his 300 Blackout ammo and it ran great.
Looking for a great SBR?
Our buddies at the Silencer Shop have some of these killer Noveske SBRs in stock.. Check them out!
Silencer Sunday!!!
“Get ready to party” says TGR junior staff member David Coker! We will be releasing a new Silencer test every Sunday!! This ain’t going to be no sissy testing neither!
Wilson Combat Rapid Response XL, ELMAX knife review
I am a lot like my father. I appreciate fine craftsmanship and am a sucker for a good knife. When I became a man there was one thing I knew I could get my dad for a special occasion that would surely put a smile on his face, and that was a knife. Not just…
Best 3 gun scope ?
Burris recently introduced the Burris XTR II 1-5 and we just got one in. Is this the best 3 gun scope on the market?
CZ guns are in!
Just got back from the Silencer Shop where I picked up two new CZ guns.. The 455 suppressor ready and Practical shotgun. I quickly put them together and put my Spectre II on the 22.
JEC Customs Quick-Brake
There are a lot of brakes on the market to choose from. All do a decent job of mitigating felt recoil and reducing muzzle rise to keep you on target for faster follow-up shots. Some of the popular ones do a great job but can be very concussive to the shooter and bystanders. As far…
Texas LE Multigun match
9/16/2014 Liberty Hill, Texas The Texas LE Multigun match was held yesterday in Liberty Hill, just outside of Austin, TX. Very cool match with 128 registered shooters.. Lots of swag with great sponsors like the Silencer Shop Check out this video, nice stages and great shooting!
Young guns
Is there anything more American than teaching our children how to use a firearm? I hear people that are anti gun talking about how they would never want a gun in their home or to let their children near guns. I couldn;t disagree more.. you teach your kids to swim so they won’t drown. You…
Glock 34 Gen 4 3 gun project
Recently I decided to run my carry Gen 3 19 at a local 3 gun match. Well, to be perfectly honest I decided to detail strip and clean my Wilson Combat Spec Ops 9 and the plunger spring went flying off somewhere in my garage, never to be seen again despite massive amounts of foul…
TGR hired for firearms advisor for video
Check this cool high def slow motion video of a 308 blowing up watermelons caught ultra high speed cameras with the Slow Mo Guys
TGR videos
Some of our most popular videos on youtube
Dallas Reloads 300 Blackout Subsonic Ammo Review
I did a recent project building up a 300 Blackout pistol. I ran a 11″ Wilson Combat 1/8 twist barrel and needed some good ammo to test the platform with. I was familiar with the work done by Chad at DallasReloads and gave him a ring..
Inforce WMLX weapon light
Just got some lights in from Inforce including the new WMLX which is their new 500 Lumen unit.
Weatherby Vanguard II 308 Suppressor Ready project
After getting such great results from the Weatherby Vanguard II 7mm08 we tested earlier I thought to myself, “it would be great if I could run a can on this gun” . I contacted Tim at Weatherby and suggested they should offer these rifles in a shorter, threaded barrel given how popular hunting with suppressors…