Hello, well we’re not going to revolutionize defensive hand-gunning with today’s topic. What I can do is show you how much better you can shoot with this laser sight though. I picked this little laser up from my dealer for $50. It was used but new in the package. With an MSRP of $109.95 it dramatically improves the accuracy of the tiny NAA revolvers.

First off you might be wondering why you would even carry a NAA mini-revolver?? This is a use specific little gun for sure. It doesn’t have a lot of uses but there are a few for me. This particular 22mag is my jogging gun. I do that early in the AM in a rural setting. Nothing much to worry about I just have a “no leaving the house without a gun” rule and this one is tiny, lite and very resistant to rust. So I’m out huffin’ and puffin’ down the road and its all stainless construction has never rusted the tiniest bit in spite of all that sweat. It fits perfectly in a little pocket of my shorts/sweats and you forget it’s there. I’ve got 5 rounds of Hornady 45grain Critical Defense if I ever need it. Perfect for that low threat level task.

So if you’ve ever fired one of these well made little guns you know that accuracy can be a challenge. The sites are useless and my large hand swallows the gun and I couldn’t see them if they were good. Still though I like this little gun and man does it make some noise with that short barrel. I just need to be able to reliably make hits with it past arms reach.

Enter this LASERLYTE NAA laser sight. This thing is TINY! It fits the 22 and 22mag versions as well as a couple other models. It comes with 2 mounting brackets, the Allen wrenches for attaching the laser and adjustment. The unit is fully adjustable for aiming. It seems to be a solid little thing and mounts perfectly. It provides a good bright aiming dot. I was surprised/impressed it was so bright for its size. Normally I would torture the thing somehow but I’m not going to do it to this. No need, it works, mounts up solidly and easily adjusts. All it has to do is ride down the road for a few miles 4-5 times a week in my pocket. It’s well made enough for that.

Let’s get to the shooting: Shown is a group fired at 25 feet, that being about all I could ever see myself trying to use this tiny pocket rocket. Nine rounds hit nice and tight and one flier which you can blame me for. The trigger is pretty stiff, at least it’s still on the plate. On top of being much more accurate with the laser, it’s much faster to aim and fire as well. No more guessing because you can’t see the sights, just red dot your target and fire. Last, the way the toggle switch is, it easily flips down and turns on as you draw your hammer. One fluid easy to do motion turning it on. All in all a nice little unit and it greatly improves the hit probability of the little revolver.

Wrapping up: Anything wrong with it? It might from time to time turn on in your pocket, hasn’t happened to me but with the toggle switch I can certainly see how it could. With a 1.5 hour runtime you might want to watch that. In the end though you have much better accuracy and in a unit that weighs less than half an ounce. I really like mine and for the $50  I paid I think it really made the mini gun quite a bit more useful. If you pack a NAA mini then this unit I think is a “must have”. There’s NO WAY I could fire 10 round 2.25 inch groups at 25 feet with that pistol without the LaserLyte.

As always thanks for reading and train often.

By: Cary Kieffer

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Cary Kieffer

USMC Infantry/Combat Veteran/MUESOC/Sniper School – Med Retired LEO w/ 8yrs on job before Iraq wounds caught up with me.

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2 responses to “LASERLYTE NAA Laser Sight”

  1. Matt Avatar

    I like it Cary. We’ve had a string of muggings on the running trail near me. This might be just what I need. I do think that lasers are underutilized on CCW.

  2. Mike Coker Avatar

    Nice shooting Cary!

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