DeSantis Rail Ryder Review

Today I just got back from my dealer, Johnsons Sporting Goods in Adrian Mi. A great staff that has a ton of combined knowledge and dedication to customer service. I’ve never been in a better shop. I walked out of there with a new thing to try. My man Smitty in there handed me a DeSantis Rail Ryder. It’s a clip/holster that is supposed to go on your rail. Similar idea to some of those metal clips that go under your grips and serve to keep your pistol in place while carrying without a holster. Same idea just different way it attaches to your gun. It’s simple and made of glass reinforced polymer. It’s lite and guaranteed for life. Not much else to say as it a simple thing as you can see.

Now for me personally the DeSantis Rail Ryder just not going to work out. I think the idea is sound but it wont attach to anything I carry. It’s too long for a sub-compact XD and won’t lock into place, as the locking lug won’t slide back far enough to engage the rail. It will lock into a Service Model 4inch XD on the first notch but not slid back all the way where you want it as the lug isn’t matching up to where the slots are. Same with a full size Tactical Model XD but not pushed all the way back on the rail either where you would want it. I don’t carry a 5 inch either way but I just wanted to see if it would work. I want the thing slid back all the way. So for XD’s it is not suitable to me. I think with a dremel it could be made to slide back all the way on the 4 and 5 inch models with just a tad bit of material being ground out. It does not match up as is though.

I tried it on a Smith compact M&P, no go on that one either. Same deal as the XD sub, not enough rail to get a bite. I tried it on the new Ruger SR22 and I think with a bit of dremel tooling I might make it fly on that one but not as it is now and it’s not a carry pistol for me either but I could see it being useful on the Ruger. All my carry guns are either XD’s or micro’s with no rails anyways. Like the DB9, Sig 290 and Smith Bodyguard. So without some tinkering on it this doesn’t seem to be the thing for me.

Well wrapping up I can’t say I’m very thrilled. It wouldn’t fit right out of the box on anything I carry without some adjusting and the locking block release lever already cracked and it’s been home for almost an hour now. I followed the directions and “gently” tapped it as they said to install in the directions but apparently if your off just a bit with your tapping the release lever breaks off. It is guaranteed for life and I’m sure a good company like DeSantis will replace it but I’m not going to bother. I think your better off just saving your $$ and getting an Uncle Mikes inside the pants holster. The thin cloth ones. They are inexpensive, comfortable and last a long time. Been using the several sizes I own for several years with no issues. This also leaves your rail open to mount your light which in my humble opinion is what your rail should have on it anyways.

As always thanks for reading and happy shooting.

By: Cary Kieffer


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Cary Kieffer

USMC Infantry/Combat Veteran/MUESOC/Sniper School – Med Retired LEO w/ 8yrs on job before Iraq wounds caught up with me.

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