It was a good day in my world. I just got back in the door from a bit of informal plinking with the G/F’s son. We took off to Johnsons Sporting Goods in Adrian MI. to buy a new Ruger SR22. I wanted this thing the other day when I was in there but somebody put it on layaway before I could get my hands on it. Then they went and changed their minds. So I got her today. 309$ very well spent.
Initial impressions: She is VERY nice looking. It comes with the usual junk, paperwork, lock, fired casing and a zip up soft case. I was glad to see Ruger included 2 10 round magazines. That was a trend it seemed like companies were getting away from a few years back and it’s a pet peeve to buy a gun and only have one mag in the box. So nice it came with a spare. The fit and finish is great looking and it even has an interchangeable grip. 3 dot fully adjustable sights as well. I was impressed as while the gun is smaller than I imagined it would be it is totally loaded with features. Including a decock as part of the safety, ambi-safety and ambi-mag release. It also has a tactical rail for lights and lasers 🙂 Nearly perfect. The only thing that was wrong in my opinion was the “lawyer” trigger is WAY to heavy both double and single action and they put a magazine safety in. 🙁 UGH!! I despise magazine safeties. I will have to see what can be done about that. That’s a bummer. All in all tho, you get a really nice seeming pistol for your 300 bones.

So off to the backyard the boy and I went with a box of 325 rounds of Federal target ammo. We ran about a dozen magazines through it. I am happy to report the trigger smoothed out and seemed to lighten up considerably. It is much better than it started out. Not bad now but hopefully it breaks in even a little bit more. I was pleased though. Plinking was pretty informal today, mostly just watched the young man, coached and worked on his safe gun handling. The SR22 performed flawlessly, which I wasn’t surprised, it’s a Ruger. All in all it seems to be an accurate little gun. He was hitting his plates 85-90% of the time and Mama came out whacked a couple herself. I didn’t shoot any groups but I did back up to roughly 38 yards and was able to hit a regular light bulb out of a lamp I found laying back there. So that’s what?? maybe a 3 inch target? It took 3 shots and the first 2 hit 2 inches left, elevation was right on. I didn’t have a screwdriver to adjust the rear site with me so I just aimed a smidgen right and hit the bulb. I’ll give her 2 clicks of right windage next time I go. I could barely see the bulb from there so I have no doubt this pistol will shoot beautifully. All in all a very good shooting, impressive little gun.

Carry or home defense pistol?? I have been thinking about that, I’m not going too, it’s a 22. Not that that’s bad because we know 22’s will do a number on somebody. I just can handle and therefore should carry a bigger round. If your comfortable only with a 22 then I would say yes, I think this would be an excellent choice for carry if you choose a 22LR. I would put 500 rounds through it first to make sure she ran perfectly and I knew the weapon well enough to employ it properly but after that then yes. I think if your into a 22 then this is a perfect choice. Light, small, accurate, full featured and so far totally reliable. I really am very happy with this thing right off the get go. I think it important to say also that the grip choices, going with the smaller one, I can’t see this being too large for anybody’s hands. I would think the smallest, most petite shooter should be able to get a good hold on this with the small grip.
So wrapping up: Need a cool, sweet looking new plinker?? You found a great one. Are you small or recoil/noise sensitive and need a smooth shooting, accurate and reliable self defense pistol?? Again I think you found a great one, all this and just over 300$. I think one hell of a bargain gun here!! Thanks Ruger! nice work!! (except for the magazine safety) This little sweetheart is going to see a lot of use I believe. It may be time to retire the Ruger MK3, I like it that much.
As always thanks for reading and happy shooting!
By: Cary Kieffer
Cary Kieffer
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