Author: ccoker
Staff Sneak Peak: Cooper Firearms custom 25-06
By Staff Writer: Charles Coker Growing up in South Texas and hunting whitetails down long senderos required aan accurate flat shooting rifle. 22-250, 243, 25-06 were all standards for those old deer camps. Truth be told, we didn’t use range finders, ranging reticles, etc.. As a young hunter if I saw a deer or hog…
Staff Optic Review: Trijicon SRS Review
We spend some time with the new dual powered (solar and battery) Trijicon SRS This new 1x magnification from Trijicon is catching a lot of attention. It is sort of a cross between the Eotech’s and an Aimpoint If you want your own, well, we are giving this one away!
My 3 Gun Rig
By staff writer: Charles Coker This is an article that covers my 3gun competition rig, the gear I use and some thoughts behind the gear chosen and used. While we all know this is a game and it is for fun and is NOT tactical training it is still imperative the gear runs right. You…
Staff Handgun Review: Dan Wesson Valor
By staff writer: Charles Coker I love 1911s, I consider John Browning’s design to be the ultimate marriage of engineering, craftsmanship, functionality and ergonomics. Yes, I have my plastic guns and they absolutely serve a place. But as far as pure enjoyment of shooting, nothing to me beats a 1911, not even a nice…
Staff Scope Review: Zeiss Victory FL 4-16×50 Review
By Staff Writer: Charles Coker What a sad day.. I had to send this scope back to Zeiss! Trust me, I REALLY wanted to keep it ! I grew very fond of this scope during the hunting season of 2011. Mounted on a Nosler Trophy Grade rifle in 280 Ackley Improved it accounted for 5…
Survey: Which AR15 sight system do you trust your life to?
By Staff Writer: Charles Coker This subject comes up often when you around gun guys.. Aimpoint or Eotech? Iron sights? 1-4? scope? ACOG? Which is best? Which would you, as a civilian trust your life, and your familie’s life to?
Leupold VX6 1-6 Multigun scope review
Leupold listens to the multi gun shooter and responds with a new scope. When we saw the new Leupold VX6 1-6×24 scope we were really excited about the power range. They were showing great hunting reticles but nothing with a way to shoot long distance with hold over points. We discussed the need for this…
Texas Multigun Championship
Somewhere deep in the heart of Central Texas.. About 400 competitors from all over the nation got together This was a big production and had the big boys out… Open Divison winner: Jerry Miculek
Texas Multigun match videos
This is at the Best of the West shooting range March 24th 2012 Great place to shoot and Sheldon and crew put on GREAT matches This is where the Larue Multigun match will be held in April
Supressors legal for deer hunting in Texas!
Today, after hearing your support for this NRA-backed common sense hunting reform, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to legalize suppressor use while hunting.
Safariland 3gun gear review
We are happy to report that Safariland is providing some of their outstanding gear for TGR for 3 gun competition! Vice president Scott Carnahan, an active competitor himself provides some info on how their ELS system works.
Selph Arms VRL-1 Green LED hunting light review
This light is produced by Brad at Selph Arms in Austin, TX As an avid hog hunter I am always on the lookout for good gear… I have tried red and red and green LED combos from other manufacturers and have been a little underwhelmed at their effective range. Most fall severely short of their…
We are estatic to have Randi Rogers as a contribting author for TGR! We got a chance to meet Randi at the 2012 SHOT show in Vegas and she was such a genuinely nice and humble person. As a member of Team GLock she has earned an impressive amount of titles.. Over 30 World and…
Black Hills Ammunition Wins Navy Contract for Precision 5.56 Ammunition
Black Hills Ammunition Wins Navy Contract for Precision 5.56 Ammunition February 6, 2012 at 2:08 pm Black Hills Ammunition has been awarded a new contract for 5.56mm 77 grain LR (Long Range) ammunition for the next five years of U.S. Military requirements for precision 5.56 mm ammunition. This contract for 30 million rounds worth of ammunition…