Tag: gun cleaning
10 Gun Cleaning Tips for Beginners
Many people enjoy cleaning their firearms and it may be a weekly routine they never miss. I’m not a lover of cleaning my guns. If you would like to purchase a new gun then you can visit sites such as https://hornadykestrel.com/, or if you would just like to find out information on how to clean…
Fin Super Gun Lubricant Review
Do You Hate Cleaning Your Guns? I’m going to admit something that no gun owner would be proud of: I hate cleaning my guns. I find it tiresome, boring, and time-consuming, and I’ve often wished there was a way to make it easier. A lot of this has to do with lubricant. I know, it sounds…
Simple Green and the KZ Carbon Removal Super Tool
Anyone who has used Soviet surplus 5.45x39mm ammunition knows that it is dirty, nasty and corrosive. I happen to shoot thousands of rounds of the stuff. In fact, I’ve shot so much through my Spike’s 5.45 upper that the bolt carrier locked closed.