Tactical Gun Review

  • EXTAR EXP-556 AR pistol

    EXTAR has just released their new EXP-556 AR pistol. Derived from the tried-and-tested New Frontier Armory polymer lower, this pistol delivers impressive, lightweight performance in a small, but noisy, package.

  • Tokarev Review

    “Mine has been fitted with a simple up-safe, down-fire, switch on the port side behind the trigger and under the slide stop.  This was added for importation requirements only and simply blocks the trigger, not the hammer or firing pin like on most current handguns.  I do not trust it for carrying with one in…

  • Camouflage: Fashion or Function?

    Camouflage: Fashion or Function?

    I’ve seen a fair number of camouflage patterns in my travels. Of course, most were in Iraq. In late 2007, I got to see the Air Force unit I worked with transition to a ridiculous digital tiger-stripe affair called the Airman Battle Uniform. This abomination looked even worse than the US Army’s ACU, which is…

  • Springfield Armory XDS 9mm

    Springfield Armory XDS 9mm

    Well, it finally got here! After a long, long wait, here it is, the XDS 9mm. I loved the 45 acp XDS so much I wrote two pieces on it. I like the 9mm even more and I’ll tell you why.

  • Best barrel length for .308 rifle

    Best barrel length for .308 rifle

    Now that suppressors are becoming more common, many shooters are looking to shorten and thread the barrel on their existing .308 rifle.  Shortening the barrel helps to offset the length and weight of the added silencer.  But how short to cut?  Barry Bass of Silencer Tech provided TGR the results of his testing.

  • Zeiss Conquest HD5 3-15 Review

    Zeiss Conquest HD5 3-15 Review

    By Charles Coker One of the new items I saw at SHOT 2013 that got my attention was the new Zeiss Conquest HD5 series, specifically the 3-15×42 with the target turrets.

  • Hayes Custom Guns

    Hayes Custom Guns

    In the market for a custom 1911, 2011 Race Gun or Competition AR15? What about Cerakote work? Check out some of the fine work that Aaron and Ben Hayes are turning out at Hayes Custom Guns

  • MasterPiece Arms Mini Pistol in 9mm. MPA930SST MPA 9mm

    MasterPiece Arms Mini Pistol in 9mm. MPA930SST MPA 9mm

    I just finished a piece on the MPA 9mm Carbine for home defense. https://tacticalgunreview.com/blog/2013/05/staff-review-mpa9300sst-9mm-in-the-home-defense-roll-masterpiece-arms-a-great-mac-11/ I really like that little rifle. Well this is the same gun in a pistol configuration. The MasterPiece Arms MPA930SST Mini Pistol in 9mm. Aside from obviously the barrel length and stock there are a few significant differences in this latest…

  • Tops Grim Ripper Push Knife/Dagger

    Tops Grim Ripper Push Knife/Dagger

    Today this will be short and sweet. I picked up something I always wanted, a Tops Grim Ripper. I have a good sized knife collection and always wanted to add one of these to it. Let’s take a look at this thing.

  • Staff Review: Comp-Tac MTAC holster review

    Staff Review: Comp-Tac MTAC holster review

    By Jason Hallmark, Full Time Law Enforcement One of the most important things to consider for daily concealed carry is the holster you select. The holster should give you some level of retention, comfort, and ease of access. I have carried a gun for the last 7 years on my person and have tried multiple…

  • Staff Review: Comp-Tac MTAC Review

    Staff Review: Comp-Tac MTAC Review

    By Jason Hallmark, Austin Police Marksmanship Unit One of the most important things to consider for daily concealed carry is the holster you select. The holster should give you some level of retention, comfort, and ease of access. I have carried a gun for the last 7 years on my person and have tried multiple…

  • MPA 9mm in the Home Defense Role. MasterPiece Arms makes a Great Mac-11

    MPA 9mm in the Home Defense Role. MasterPiece Arms makes a Great Mac-11

    Today I want to go over what I think is a very good home/self defense carbine. I have said it many times I would rather fight with a rifle over a pistol any day and shotguns too. Let’s take a look at the MasterPiece Arms https://www.masterpiecearms.com/index2.php?cat=23 MPA 9mm for the home defense/personal protection role.

  • Ruger 10/22 Charger Pistol – Tons of Potential Here!

    Ruger 10/22 Charger Pistol – Tons of Potential Here!

    Good afternoon, I bought this Ruger 10/22 Charger awhile back and it has just been sitting in the box. I finally got a chance to check it out so let’s go over the gun itself, some accessories and how she shoots.

  • TRIJICON VCOG (variable powered 1-6 ACOG)

    TRIJICON VCOG (variable powered 1-6 ACOG)

    We told you last May about the new Trijicon VCOG.  They are now shipping to dealers and we have one in for testing. Trijicon has combined the legendary toughness and function of its combat-proven ACOG and associated ballistic reticles with a new variable optic. The new Trijicon VCOG (Variable Combat Optical Gunsight) 1-6×24 mm meets…

  • Trijicon Variable Combat Optical Gunsight VCOG

    Trijicon Variable Combat Optical Gunsight VCOG

    Tactical Gun Review had the opportunity to handle the new Trijicon VCOG at the NRA Convention in Houston.  The first thing that strikes you is “Quality.”  This is one finely manufactured optic.  The entire unit feels extremely solid.  While it is impossible to really evaluate optics in the harsh confines of a convention hall, the…