Category: Parts and Accessories
Tailoring Safety to Diverse Home and Vehicle Settings
By Scott Bonvisutto, President & Co-founder — Console Vault Statistics shed a grim light on the state of gun storage in the United States. Approximately 4.6 million children live in a house with one or more accessible and loaded firearms, and these guns are now the leading cause of death for children across the US. …
Duck-Hunting Tips Beginners Need To Know
Begin your duck-hunting adventure with confidence! Discover beginner tips, including gear selection, duck calling, and safe boat navigation.
How To Get Your Vehicle Ready for Hunting Season
Is your truck or SUV ready to enter the wilderness this hunting season? Ensure it’s prepared to tackle the terrain with our simple tips here!
Maximizing Your Loadout: How To Optimize Tactical Gear
Optimize your tactical gear for maximum efficiency. Focus on your needs, weight, organization, and testing to boost your chances of success with your gear!
The Best Types of Attachments To Have for Your Firearm
If you own a firearm that you’re looking to upgrade, we have a list of attachments that work well in a majority of scenarios that you should check out.
The Benefits of Protective Coating on Firearms
Your firearms can experience corrosion without a protective coating. Explore the benefits of protective finishes to determine if this coating is right for you.
4 Items To Look For at a Military Surplus Store
A military surplus store carries various survival gear options for personal and professional use. Come find out the top items to look for in a surplus store.
Modifications You Need for Your Police Vehicle
Police vehicles need to be ready to handle all sorts of emergencies and normal police tasks, which is why they need a lot of modifications for the job.
What To Know About Hunting Deer in a Winter Storm
Deer don’t disappear just because there’s a storm coming. They’re out there, ready for you to find them. Here’s what to know about hunting in a winter storm.
What Is Better M-LOK Vs. KeyMod?
Handguards and rails are helpful when using weapons. They are beneficial when attaching lasers, lights, foregrips, and other accessories to the firearm. Some users do find that these attachments come with an added weight. However, there is always a balance between the benefits and drawbacks, which is why there are quite a few options for…
How to Mount a Scope [Guide]
Attaching a scope to a rifle can feel like a complex evolution. If you do it incorrectly, your scope will move when firing it, and or you’ll be less accurate. However, if you have the right tools, and follow these steps, you’ll be able to properly mount your scope, and mitigate those problems. With that,…
Red Dot Sights vs Laser Sights What are the Pros and Cons
A few short decades ago, the red dot and laser sight technology were still in their infancy. However, since the early 70s, innovation has made its mark, with manufacturers building better and more accurate systems. Red Dot Sights Red Dot is a simple optic using a red dot as the reticle; these are simple technologies…
What essentials do you need to clean a weapon safely?
Do you own a gun? If you reside in the US, there is a high probability that you or people you know own guns. After all, the gun ownership laws of the country allow its residents to do so. According to a study conducted by Pew Research Center, handguns and rifles continue to be one…
Your Complete Beginner’s Guide to Tactical Gear
Your Complete Beginner’s Guide to Tactical Gear Primarily used by military members and law enforcement personnel, tactical gear has broadened its scope in terms of utility. The popularity of tactical gear has mushroomed among survivalists, hunters and even private citizens interested in improving their security. Questions are building on topics such as what makes a…
Gun: 5 Progressive Reloading Press [2018 edition]
If you are serious about shooting, you probably spend most days practicing shooting. This is a task that requires you to use more ammo and in the long run, it can be expensive. What if you made your ammunition from the comfort of your home? Do you know how much money you would end up…