Author: Kurt Gruber

  • Staff Review: Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger

    Staff Review: Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger

    by Kurt Gruber, staff writer When I was recently contacted to test the Hard Charger from Devil Dog Concepts, I was intrigued.  I am a fan of the concept of side charging AR platform rifles, but have not seen many good implementations of the concept.  When I was told the Hard Charger would convert a…

  • Adams Arms .308 First Look

    By: Kurt Gruber — TGR Staff Writer and member of the Adams Arms 3 Gun Team As a semi-professional 3 gun shooter I have had the pleasure of getting to shoot a number of prototype guns before they hit the market.  This past weekend at the Fallen Brethren 3 Gun match in Jacksboro TX I…

  • Staff Review: Taran Tactical Benelli 3gun competition parts review

    Staff Review: Taran Tactical Benelli 3gun competition parts review

    By: Kurt Gruber, Staff Writer If you are familiar at all with the world of Three Gun, then you are no doubt familiar with the name Taran Butler.  Taran has one most every match he has entered more than once and is one of the top shooters in the Three Gun community.  Taran recently formed…

  • Staff Optics Review: Horus Vision Blackbird II

    Staff Optics Review: Horus Vision Blackbird II

    By Kurt Gruber, TGR Staff Writer You can rarely win a 3-gun match on the long-range stage or stages.  In outlaw 3-gun however, where the penalties for missing long range targets are multiplied versus misses on any other target in the match, it is pretty easy to lose a match there.  It is because of…

  • Staff Gun Review: The Blackout Chronicles – Episode 1: Choose your weapon

    Staff Gun Review: The Blackout Chronicles – Episode 1: Choose your weapon

    By: Kurt Gruber, Staff Writer Over the next couple of months, I am going to be writing a series of articles focusing on 300 AAC Blackout and its use in both tactical and hunting environments.  I will be looking at different weapon options and test them with a wide array of ammunition choices.

  • Concealed carry requirements – Heads up if you plan to visit New Mexico

    The state of New Mexico recently updated their Concealed Handgun Reciprocity list.

  • Staff Handgun Review: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm Review First Thoughts

    Staff Handgun Review: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm Review First Thoughts

    By Staff Writer: Kurt Gruber A couple weeks ago at the NRA National Meetings Smith & Wesson introduced a new pistol that is designed specifically for concealed carry based upon its popular M&P Platform.  This new pistol, chambered in 9mm and .40 S&W, is a single stack design that takes the M&P and cuts the…

  • Staff Review: Dueck Defense Rapid Transition Sights Review

    By Staff Writer: Kurt Gruber For years avid sportsmen and competitive shooters alike have searched for a backup sight solution for scoped AR type rifles that wouldn’t land the competitor in the Open Division.  Enter Barry Dueck, IPSC Grand Master and top 3 gun shooter, from Team Surefire.  In addition to being a Director in…

  • 2012 NRA Annual Meetings – Destination St. Louis

    2012 NRA Annual Meetings – Destination St. Louis

    By Kurt Gruber, TacticalGunReview Staff Writer This past weekend almost 75 thousand gun owners (73,740 is the official number announced on NRA Radio’s Cam and Company show) traveled from all corners of our great country to the heartland for the 2012 NRA Annual Meetings.  I jumped in the car and made the 900 plus mile…