Tag: Triicon SRS
I’ve made several modifications to my AR-15 over the years. Well, to be more specific, I’ve changed every single part on the damn thing. I’ve put thousands of rounds (at least 8,000 in the last year and a half) through this gun. I’ve dropped it, kicked it, thrown it on the ground in frustration, fired…
Special Ops Tactical 12.6″ Quad Rail
I’m hard on my equipment. In fact, I abuse it in ways that most would consider to be bordering on criminal. I regularly shoot hundreds of corrosive rounds out of my AR-15 without even thinking of cleaning it. I stick pistols in the freezer and even in the oven. I throw guns into puddles. I…
Rock River Arms Quad Rail Aluminum FF Handguard – CAR Length
In a world full of extended rails, there are times when a carbine-length rail is needed. Whether running an SBR or simply going with a more traditional look, the shorter handguard has its place. This is where the Rock River Arms CAR length Quad Rail comes in handy.
Congratulations Allen Cosby – Winner of the TGR Trijicon SRS!
Allen Michael Cosby is the winner of the Tactical Gun Review Trijicon SRS sweepstakes! You can read one of Mr. Cosby’s reviews here. TGR’s review of the Trijicon Sealed Reflex Site. Many thanks to Susan Belanger, Senior Marketing Coordinator at Trijicon for sponsoring the contest. As always, Susan is a pleasure to work with.
Staff Optic Review: Trijicon SRS Review
We spend some time with the new dual powered (solar and battery) Trijicon SRS This new 1x magnification from Trijicon is catching a lot of attention. It is sort of a cross between the Eotech’s and an Aimpoint If you want your own, well, we are giving this one away!