Tag: guns
The Importance of Proper Gun Cleaning and Maintenance
Owning a gun is a responsibility, part of which is regular maintenance and cleaning of your firearms. Though it might seem like a hassle you can forgo or be flippant about, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Taking the time to clean your firearm after every shooting session and doing regular maintenance is absolutely…
Gun Safety for Beginners
When it comes to getting into shooting or firearm hobbies, the first and most important thing beginners need to do is familiarize themselves with basic gun safety rules and principles. While many of the most common gun safety rules might seem obvious to people, they always warrant reiteration, as one slip-up with firearm safety can…
Gun: 5 Progressive Reloading Press [2018 edition]
If you are serious about shooting, you probably spend most days practicing shooting. This is a task that requires you to use more ammo and in the long run, it can be expensive. What if you made your ammunition from the comfort of your home? Do you know how much money you would end up…
10 Gun Cleaning Tips for Beginners
Many people enjoy cleaning their firearms and it may be a weekly routine they never miss. I’m not a lover of cleaning my guns. If you would like to purchase a new gun then you can visit sites such as https://hornadykestrel.com/, or if you would just like to find out information on how to clean…