Tag: gun reviews

  • 6.8 SPC II Custom Build Rifle

    6.8 SPC II Custom Build Rifle

    There have been countless wildcat cartridges over the years.  One recent trend has been the various efforts to modify the standard AR15 to shoot a heavier, more lethal bullet.  The crazy hype surrounding the 300 Blackout is but one example.  For my money, the 6.8 SPC is the best of the lot for general all-around…

  • The IWI Tavor Bullpup 5.56mm Rifle Part 1.

    The IWI Tavor Bullpup 5.56mm Rifle Part 1.

    It’s not often we get to talk about something totally new and different. Today we do, not that this is a new invention, it isn’t. The Tavor has been in use by the IDF (Isreali Defense Force) for 10 years now but it is new to us here in the States. Now when I hear “IDF” and…

  • 300 Blackout (300 BLK)

    300 Blackout (300 BLK)

    In case you have been living in a cave for the last several years, the 300 Blackout is the sexy new girl on the block.  This article is part one of a new series on the 300 Blackout (300 BLK).  While the cartridge-haters will tell you that the 300 BLK is the answer to a…

  • 5.56 Giveaway For Shooters

    Feed Your Guns and Feed Yourself AmmoForSale.com is giving away 300 rounds of PMC X-Tac 5.56 ammunition  along with a new 22-inch Weber grill to help one shooter celebrate Independence Day. PMC X-Tac is loaded to NATO specifications and is not intended for you use in a .223 Remington rifle but the grill is engineered…

  • Ballistic Advantage 14.5″ Lightweight Middy

    Ballistic Advantage 14.5″ Lightweight Middy

    When Ballistic Advantage sent me their 14.5 inch mid-length Tactical Government profile barrel in 5.45x39mm, I thought I’d found the perfect AR-15 carbine barrel for cheap ammo usage. I was wrong. Though that barrel was shorter than 16 inch, it was the same weight as a government profile, 28 ounces. Yes, it had better handling.…

  • Results of a World Record Long Range Shooter and some Aerospace Engineers

    The Arc-Rizer is easy to mount and will optimize a $200 scope enhancing performance to equal a $1,600 scope that has internal adjustments. You don’t have to spend thousands on a scope to become competitive in long-range shooting any longer.”

  • Hawk Industries Shotguns

    Hawk Industries manufactures a wide variety of shotguns, from standard pump actions to drum fed semiautomatics, with fixed or folding stock, and for civilian, hunting, police and military purposes. This is short review of some of their rifles.

  • EXTAR EXP-556 AR pistol

    EXTAR has just released their new EXP-556 AR pistol. Derived from the tried-and-tested New Frontier Armory polymer lower, this pistol delivers impressive, lightweight performance in a small, but noisy, package.

  • Tokarev Review

    “Mine has been fitted with a simple up-safe, down-fire, switch on the port side behind the trigger and under the slide stop.  This was added for importation requirements only and simply blocks the trigger, not the hammer or firing pin like on most current handguns.  I do not trust it for carrying with one in…

  • Best barrel length for .308 rifle

    Best barrel length for .308 rifle

    Now that suppressors are becoming more common, many shooters are looking to shorten and thread the barrel on their existing .308 rifle.  Shortening the barrel helps to offset the length and weight of the added silencer.  But how short to cut?  Barry Bass of Silencer Tech provided TGR the results of his testing.

  • Ruger 10/22 Charger Pistol – Tons of Potential Here!

    Ruger 10/22 Charger Pistol – Tons of Potential Here!

    Good afternoon, I bought this Ruger 10/22 Charger awhile back and it has just been sitting in the box. I finally got a chance to check it out so let’s go over the gun itself, some accessories and how she shoots.

  • NRA Convention Houston 2013

    NRA Convention Houston 2013

    Tactical Gun Review sent four editors to the 2013 NRA Convention in Houston, Texas to visit sponsors and check out the new gear.  The convention was a huge success with over 86,000 shooting enthusiasts in attendance.  NOT present were any of those pesky protesters – this is Houston after all, not Seattle. The Annual Banquet…

  • Staff Review: Otis Team Range Box

    Staff Review: Otis Team Range Box

    The Otis Team Range Box is a great addition to any group of operators whether that be LEO or just a group of buddies who like to shoot together.  The concept takes the tried-and-proven Otis components and organizes them into one easy-to-carry range box.  The editors at Tactical Gun Review always bring along the Team…

  • Staff Review: Taran Tactical Benelli 3gun competition parts review

    Staff Review: Taran Tactical Benelli 3gun competition parts review

    By: Kurt Gruber, Staff Writer If you are familiar at all with the world of Three Gun, then you are no doubt familiar with the name Taran Butler.  Taran has one most every match he has entered more than once and is one of the top shooters in the Three Gun community.  Taran recently formed…

  • Staff Gun Review: Springfield XDS 45 ACP

    Staff Gun Review: Springfield XDS 45 ACP

    By Staff Writer: Charles Coker A few weeks ago I got the chance to put some rounds through a Springfield XDS 45 ACP, I have to admit, it was a good shooting concealed carry piece.