Tag: Ark30

  • Crux Ark30 Suppressor Review

    Crux Ark30 Suppressor Review

    Full disclosure.  I own two Crux Ark30 suppressors and have run them hard for several years.  I frequently move them between a number of different hosts – bolt guns, AR-15 and AR-10 platforms, and a variety of calibers.  The Crux Ark30 never fails to perform as expected with zero problems.  It is lightweight and accurate…

  • Templar Tactical Archangel and Ark30 Blackout Suppressors

    Templar Tactical Archangel and Ark30 Blackout Suppressors

    Spent some time at Best of the West shooting range testing the Templar Tactical Suppressors.  The Templar Tactical Archangel is very impressive in terms of  sound suppression and repeatable accuracy as well.  I took the challenge from the range master to hit a golf ball at 500 yards. Not a first round hit but on…