Tag: ar-15

  • Condor Rapid Assault Chest Rig

    Condor Rapid Assault Chest Rig

    Everyone is trying to find a good way to carry and use their gear as effectively on the range, on the field, or for bugging-out. The biggest issues with this dilemma are weight distribution of gear and the ability to add on to the existing rig or vest, making it more personal for the end…

  • 5.56 Giveaway For Shooters

    Feed Your Guns and Feed Yourself AmmoForSale.com is giving away 300 rounds of PMC X-Tac 5.56 ammunition  along with a new 22-inch Weber grill to help one shooter celebrate Independence Day. PMC X-Tac is loaded to NATO specifications and is not intended for you use in a .223 Remington rifle but the grill is engineered…

  • Ballistic Advantage 14.5″ Lightweight Middy

    Ballistic Advantage 14.5″ Lightweight Middy

    When Ballistic Advantage sent me their 14.5 inch mid-length Tactical Government profile barrel in 5.45x39mm, I thought I’d found the perfect AR-15 carbine barrel for cheap ammo usage. I was wrong. Though that barrel was shorter than 16 inch, it was the same weight as a government profile, 28 ounces. Yes, it had better handling.…

  • EXTAR EXP-556 AR pistol

    EXTAR has just released their new EXP-556 AR pistol. Derived from the tried-and-tested New Frontier Armory polymer lower, this pistol delivers impressive, lightweight performance in a small, but noisy, package.

  • Scorpion Tactical Upper Receiver

    Scorpion Tactical Upper Receiver

    Testing rifle components is a time-consuming and laborious process. It’s also one that requires a large amount of precision. And if there’s one thing that I’ve learned in testing various AR-15 components, it’s that you need a quality upper. Handguards, barrels, charging handles and bolt carrier groups are all routinely swapped out in my dedicated…

  • Surefire SFMB-556-1/2-28 muzzle brake

    Surefire SFMB-556-1/2-28 muzzle brake

    Previously, I’ve reviewed muzzle brakes from Griffin Armament and Rainier Arms, finding them to be quite effective. Each has its benefits and drawbacks. I found myself looking for a brake to permanently attach to a 14.5″ barreled upper I was building. Like everyone who has ever watched Chris Costa (or a host of other high-speed, low-drag, tactical…

  • B5 SOPMOD Stock

    B5 SOPMOD Stock

    I’ve made several modifications to my AR-15 over the years. Well, to be more specific, I’ve changed every single part on the damn thing. I’ve put thousands of rounds (at least 8,000 in the last year and a half) through this gun. I’ve dropped it, kicked it, thrown it on the ground in frustration, fired…

  • Special Ops Tactical 12.6″ Quad Rail

    Special Ops Tactical 12.6″ Quad Rail

    I’m hard on my equipment. In fact, I abuse it in ways that most would consider to be bordering on criminal. I regularly shoot hundreds of corrosive rounds out of my AR-15 without even thinking of cleaning it. I stick pistols in the freezer and even in the oven. I throw guns into puddles. I…

  • ASC 5.45 magazines

    ASC 5.45 magazines

    While I love running the 5.45x39mm cartridge through my AR-15, the weak point to the whole weapon system has always been the magazine. And though the Soviet 5.45 was designed as a reaction to the 5.56, there are some substantial differences between the two cartridges. The most important one is the case angle.

  • Staff Review: Hurricane Sandy vs. Froglube

    Staff Review: Hurricane Sandy vs. Froglube

    Hurricane Sandy is being described as “intense,” “dangerous” and “life-threatening.” The hybrid Frankenstorm had everyone (including myself) making preparations, battening down the hatches, and expecting the worst. Thousands evacuated, others huddled together in fear of what was coming. I heard on the radio, “If you don’t absolutely need to be out, stay home.” So naturally,…

  • Griffin Armament M4SD II Muzzle Brake

    Griffin Armament M4SD II Muzzle Brake

    I love keeping my barrel flat as I pump multiple rounds into the target, which is why I like muzzle brakes and compensators like the Griffin Armament M4SD II. Like everyone else on the Internet, I’ve run into the 5.56 vs. 7.62 debate. It gets even messier when you throw in my favorite caliber, the…

  • New Frontier Armory – LW15: Lightweight Polymer Lowers

    One of the key benefits of polymers is that they retain their shape and size better in extreme cold and yes, heat (unless you are the human torch, why do you care that your Glock would melt if cooked at 450 degrees?), and they also spring back to their original shape after bending or twisting…

  • Midwest Industries Gen 2 SS Handguard

    Midwest Industries continues to excel in the lightweight free-float handguard department. Their Gen. 2 SS 12″ rail comes in at almost the same exact weight as standard AR-15/M4 plastic handguards, with all the benefits of a free-float forearm.

  • Defensive Target Selection

    Defensive Target Selection

    Historical Context Bullseye targets are fine for competition use, but I find them wholly unsatisfactory for defense-based training. Put simply, you are never going to be mugged by a bullseye or have one break into your house.

  • Simple Green and the KZ Carbon Removal Super Tool

    Simple Green and the KZ Carbon Removal Super Tool

    Anyone who has used Soviet surplus 5.45x39mm ammunition knows that it is dirty, nasty and corrosive. I happen to shoot thousands of rounds of the stuff. In fact, I’ve shot so much through my Spike’s 5.45 upper that the bolt carrier locked closed.