I’ve made several modifications to my AR-15 over the years. Well, to be more specific, I’ve changed every single part on the damn thing. I’ve put thousands of rounds (at least 8,000 in the last year and a half) through this gun. I’ve dropped it, kicked it, thrown it on the ground in frustration, fired it with lube and without, with irons and optics, at close and medium range. And I’ve gone through several stocks in that time before finally finding the one I loved the best. That one is the B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD

Like most civilian AR-15 shooters, I started with a basic, 6-position collapsible stock. It was what came on my Smith and Wesson M&P15R. It was fine as a start, and allowed me to change the length of pull though it rattled a bit. When I expanded my armory, I picked up a chipped UTG 4-position stock for a few dollars. It has a commercial diameter buffer tube, rattles a bit, and is honestly, not the highest quality on the market. On the other hand, it’s simple and extremely compact. I ended up giving it away as part of a basic carbine I built for my brother.

The A2 stock on a Spike’s Tactical 5.45 upper

For a while, I ran a fixed A2 stock on my rifle, wanting the rigidity as I concentrated on more accurate shots at range. I loved the solid feel of the stock and the ability to store my cleaning kit within it. Seeking to have an even more advanced stock for longer range shots, I installed a Magpul PRS, though I ended up selling it, as I disliked the additional weight it added to the carbine. As a side note, I used the money from the PRS to buy a Geissele SSA-E trigger, one of the finest I have ever used.

Ultimately, I decided on a carbine stock, though I went with a Vltor A5 buffer system (without the Vltor buttstock). While I disliked the weight of the PRS, I was impressed with the quality of the construction. I considered a Magpul CTR stock, as I liked its friction lock and the tight feel it imparted to the stock system.

CTR stock. This carbine utilizes a Ballistic Advantage Medium Heavy Barrel in 5.45x39mm

After careful consideration, I ruled it out for the simple reason that I’d been using a collapsible M4 stock for years and the muscle memory was already well ingrained in my responses. The CTR has a slightly different operating system (the stock adjustment control is within the “triangle” of the stock). My hand automatically went to the outside of the triangle when seeking to adjust the stock, rather than inside. For a shooter just starting to shoot the AR-15, I would heartily recommend the Magpul line. In fact, I used one when constructing a carbine for my best man. But for someone who is used to the traditional method of operation, this could lead to confusion at a critical juncture.

I had read a lot about the LMT SOPMOD stock, and liked the reviews I saw. This design is also known as the Crane stock. However, the price was (and is) outrageous. I firmly believe that products which have an NSN number (officially used by the military) tend to be overpriced.The reason is basically, ” The SEALs use SOPMOD stocks, therefore you should be willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money for one.”

I don’t drink that Kool-Aid.

But the stock was reported to have very little to no wobble (a feature I lusted after), to be very robust, and have internal storage compartments. I dreamed, but couldn’t bring myself to buy $200 piece of plastic.

The Shashka Carbine, equipped with a B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD

So imagine my joy when a company called B5 Systems got a contract to produce the SOPMOD and decided to break into the civilian market. Their stock is at a significantly lower price point; $89 versus the $199 charged by LMT. The stocks are nigh identical. Both meet the US government specifications for the SOPMOD stock. In fact, the B5 version has a QD sling attachment point, which the original LMT did not.

So let’s get down to the features of the B5 SOPMOD. First is the solid lockup that you experience with it. There’s no wobble. The stock itslef has a sloping shape, which gives the user a much better cheek weld than the M4 stock. This is of great importance to me, as I find that I shoot more accurately and more consistently with a reliable, comfortable cheek weld.

Other stocks also have this feature, including the Magpul ACS (and ACS-L), the Magpul STR and the Vltor IMOD and EMOD. I didn’t choose the Magpul stocks for reasons already provided. As to the Vltor stocks, I shied away from them simply because they tended to tear out my facial hair (whiskers get caught in the teeth of the stock storage compartments).

The B5 SOPMOD has two water-tight storage compartments. You have to remove the stock from the buffer tube to access them, but they are locked solidly in the stock and there’s no danger of them rattling loose. I’m a big fan of storage space on a rifle. Because I’m so scatter-brained and prone to leaving things behind when I go out to the range, the storage options are a great asset. I currently have in these compartments a front sight adjustment tool, two AA batteries (for my Trijicon SRS), and a carbon scraper to clean the bolt carrier. In order to eliminate rattle, I have a few earplugs stuffed in there as well. If someone made a cleaning rod with shorter segments, I’d fit that into one of the storage compartments. And yes, they really are water-tight.

 The QD sling attachment point is ambidextrous and a great feature. I really appreciate being able to attach and detach my two-point sling in a matter of second. Sometimes I like having the sling, but other times it can be a hassle and get in the way. Yes, other stocks (like the Magpul line, the Vltor line and the Troy Battle Axe stock) have the QD feature, though some of them are not ambidextrous. I still appreciate it on the B5.

Different users like different stocks. It’s not my place to tell you what you should purchase. That said, the fact that I’ve stuck with the B5 SOPMOD, even after trying a host of other stocks, should tell you something. I regularly receive AR-15 components and accessories for review and I can say with a straight face that there’s really not another stock out there that I’m dying to replace my B5 with. Truth be told, I haven’t even considered requesting another stock.

Well, maybe B5’s new Bravo SOPMOD….

By Allen Cosby/53GR Images

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53GR is an avid shooter, hiker and tinkerer. Introduced to guns at an early age, the hobby became a passion in his early twenties. After two years in Iraq as a contractor for a defense company, he developed an unhealthy addiction to military surplus gear. Though he’s currently in treatment, the prognosis is that the condition is chronic.

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2 responses to “B5 SOPMOD Stock”

  1. Chris C Avatar
    Chris C

    We have seen better reviews on this stock. I posted something on B5’s post via facebook, but they feel the need to censor instead of having a discussion. One of the things I noted is that you were quick to point out the expense of the LMT stock, and rightfully so. You spoke about $200.00 for plastic, why was that not and argument for the PRS? You also brought up UTG products…I wanted to stop reading there 😉

    The B5 is a great solid stock when used with a good quality mil-spec tube. I will continue to purchase their stock and looking forward to their new stock on my next build. They are tough to find in stock…be patient.

    1. 53gr Avatar

      Well, at least you read the review. The UTG was picked up for, literally, a few dollars (as stated) while buying a DPMS stock for use in a carbine build for a friend. The UTG stock isn’t great, but helped complete a low-cost build I gave to my brother.
      The PRS was actually a gift from a cousin. I loved the fact that I could attach a monopod to it and raise the cheek-piece. Very adjustable, but not what I needed for a carbine. My main problem was the weight. The Geissele SSA-E trigger that I effectively traded it for is fantastic.

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