Selph Arms VRL-1 Green LED hunting light review

This light is produced by Brad at Selph Arms in Austin, TX

As an avid hog hunter I am always on the lookout for good gear… I have tried red and red and green LED combos from other manufacturers and have been a little underwhelmed at their effective range.   Most fall severely short of their claims.

This light however, does NOT disappoint!

With a decent scope out to 200 yards is definitely doable, 100 yards with a red dot.  I am taking precise shots, not just hitting it.

Some can argue on green or red as being a better color for hunting hogs and their ability to detect the light and be spooked. \

Well, green definitely penetrates better and both are less prone to reflecting back dust particles in the air than white. \

Brad says “try both, and decide for yourself”   He includes both a red and a green LED in the kit!

This is a nicely done kit that comes with the following:

Top of the line LEDs (red or green)

2 rechargeable batteries that get 2-4 hrs runtime each (and you only use one at a time)

Charger runs off of AC or DC with the supplied cigarette lighter adapter

Mounts for attaching to a scope, (30mm or 1″) or shotgun.

Picatinny rail mount with QR flip lever

Pressure switch or end cap switch.

This the best deal on the market for a hunting light, hands down.

For more info and to order yours:



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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection

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7 responses to “Selph Arms VRL-1 Green LED hunting light review”

  1. A. John Leslie Avatar
    A. John Leslie

    I received the VRL-1 Varmint Light as a present and was excited to try it. On the second shot with my new light mounted on my 22-250 the front lense cap blew out. I was informed I was responsible to find a replacement lense through the original place of purchase. I was very disappointed in the manufacture’s response and will be looking to replace the VRL-1 with a functional equivalent.

    1. Charles Coker Avatar
      Charles Coker

      Well, that’s bullshit

      1. A. John Leslie Avatar
        A. John Leslie

        My friends that were here when the lense blew out said it was “bullshit” too!

  2. Robert Pecht Avatar
    Robert Pecht

    You should test out our New 66LR from Sniper Hog Lights as it will shine twice as far as the VLR-1 and Wicked W400 and most of the other so called hunting lights.

    1. ccoker Avatar

      We would be happy to test
      Email sent

  3. Luke Cowart Avatar
    Luke Cowart

    Have you tried the Wicked W400, if so how does it compare to the Selph Arms. Are they better or comparable to the XLR250 Kill Light?


    1. ccoker Avatar

      No sir.. I haven’t..

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