Pro Ears Pro Fit Custom Earplugs

Custom made earplugs with digital compression for sudden loud noises and hearing amplification for safety and awareness. When you need a product to both completely protect your hearing and amplify select sound, Pro Ears’ Pro Fit is the answer. These custom made earplugs maintain the same level of quality and attention to detail that have come to be expected of any Pro Ears product. When buying earplugs off the shelf there is a risk that they won’t create a complete seal around the ear and protect your hearing by blocking the sound. Pro Fit earplugs are created using a mould of your own ear that replicates every ridge and contour to create the perfect acoustic seal and provide maximum comfort. The best solution is to have custom earplugs made as they will create a total seal for the individual. As a mould is taken of the individual’s ear it will be unique to that person and will provide the highest level of protection from a range of noise levels.

The range of noises the Pro Fit earplugs can protect against make it perfect for sports shooting and hunting, whilst also keeping you safe by allowing you to hear your companions or approaching wildlife. Pro Fit custom earplugs utilise state of the art compression technology so you can be safe in the knowledge that your hearing is protected no matter the situation. These custom earplugs are particularly useful where there are loud noises on a regular basis such as a construction yard or production plant. It’s important that the earplugs block out loud sounds and still be able to pick up communications between yourself and your fellow colleagues and friends with the dynamic directional microphone.

The Pro Fit custom earplugs have a range of features that helps them to excel in any situation.

  • 8 Different Channels
  • Adjustable Volume Controls
  • Built-in Dynamic Directional Microphone
  • 4 Different Listening Modes
  • 120 Hour Battery Life

With a variety of colors to choose from it’s easy to see why Pro Fit are the preferred choice of so many. Different bright colors make them easier to find and differentiate between left and right.

Once your colors have been picked Pro Fit will send out the molds to make the custom earplugs or alternatively molds made by an audiologist can be sent direct to Pro Ears and the earplugs will be ready within 2 weeks.

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Mike Coker

Publisher of Tactical Gun Review and Texas Outdoors Network. I love hunting for Texas whitetail deer, wild hogs, and high-volume Argentina dove. When not hunting you can find me fishing along the Texas Coast or on a wild Colorado river.





6 responses to “Pro Ears Pro Fit Custom Earplugs”

  1. Alan Avatar

    No mouth piece in my pro fit molding kit. How thick should it be?

  2. Mike Coker Avatar

    Roy, they are custom made. ProEars ships you the material to make a custom mold of your ear, you ship it back, they mfg the custom ear plug.

  3. Roy Campbell Avatar
    Roy Campbell

    Hi, I’ve been browsing the earplugs section, does one size fit all?


    R. Campbell

  4. Mike Coker Avatar

    You can order them in blue, red, clear, or beige.

    1. Jon Shepherd Avatar
      Jon Shepherd

      Ok, great thanks.

  5. Jon Shepherd Avatar
    Jon Shepherd

    Hi, I notice the earplugs are blue and there are a variety of colors so what colors are available?


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