Tactical Gun Review
The Best Types of Attachments To Have for Your Firearm
If you own a firearm that you’re looking to upgrade, we have a list of attachments that work well in a majority of scenarios that you should check out.
The Benefits of Protective Coating on Firearms
Your firearms can experience corrosion without a protective coating. Explore the benefits of protective finishes to determine if this coating is right for you.
4 Items To Look For at a Military Surplus Store
A military surplus store carries various survival gear options for personal and professional use. Come find out the top items to look for in a surplus store.
De-Escalation Tools and Strategies for CCW Gun Owners
Knowing how to de-escalate is an important part of self-defense. Read here to find out how to de-escalate a situation so you use your gun as a last resort.
4 Best Mule Deer Cartridges
Three vital components to any successful deer hunt are your location, rifle, and the cartridges that will bring down your quarry. The cartridge you use is especially important if you are hunting for mule deer, given that the average “muley” tends to be larger than their eastern relatives. You want to make sure you are…
Modifications You Need for Your Police Vehicle
Police vehicles need to be ready to handle all sorts of emergencies and normal police tasks, which is why they need a lot of modifications for the job.
What To Know About Hunting Deer in a Winter Storm
Deer don’t disappear just because there’s a storm coming. They’re out there, ready for you to find them. Here’s what to know about hunting in a winter storm.
Types of Gun Holsters for Concealed Carry: Everything You Need to Know
Your firearm should be accessible in case of an emergency, but you don’t want anyone else knowing that you have it on your person (concealed carry). This can make things difficult when choosing the best way to carry your gun around town, but luckily there are multiple options available that make concealing your gun easy…
What Is Better M-LOK Vs. KeyMod?
Handguards and rails are helpful when using weapons. They are beneficial when attaching lasers, lights, foregrips, and other accessories to the firearm. Some users do find that these attachments come with an added weight. However, there is always a balance between the benefits and drawbacks, which is why there are quite a few options for…
Benefits of Becoming a Member of a Shooting Range
Take advantage of different opportunities and expand your knowledge of operating a firearm by learning the benefits of becoming a member of a shooting range.
A Brief History of the Glock Pistol
When they were first introduced, Glock pistols were very controversial in the U.S., but they’re now one of the most common pistols used by law enforcement and civilians across the country. Read on to learn more about their history, how they were developed, and how they’ve changed over the years. Background on Gaston GlockGaston Glock…
How to Become a Competitive Pistol Shooter in 10 Steps
If you’re interested in starting competitive pistol shooting, the key to success lies in finding the right match for your skill level and learning how to shoot your best. This handy guide will take you through the 10 steps you need to take to become a competitive pistol shooter, from choosing your first gun to…
Tips for Avoiding Negligent Discharge of Your Firearm
Negligent discharges happen too often, but you can prevent them with responsible safety practices. Explore these tips for avoiding negligent discharge.
Galco Holsters and Gun Belts
Galco produces holsters and gun belts of the highest quality, and has been doing so for decades. It is their world-class leather holsters that sets them apart although they also manufacturer many fine Kydex models, I was recently in the market for a new Level 2 retention holster for my Heckler & Koch 45 and…
Gear a Beginner Will Need for the Upcoming Hunting Season
If you’re getting ready to go on your first-ever hunting trip this fall, you’ll need to ensure you have all the essential gear. Here’s our list of top picks.