Glock 34 3 gun project

Glock 34 Gen 4 3 gun project

Recently I decided to run my carry Gen 3 19 at a local 3 gun match. Well, to be perfectly honest I decided to detail strip and clean my Wilson Combat Spec Ops 9 and the plunger spring went flying off somewhere in my garage, never to be seen again despite massive amounts of foul language and gnashing of teeth. So, I decided to run my EDC Gen 3 19. It has upgraded sights and trigger designed for carry use and I was kind of pleasantly surprised at how well I did with it. Well, not that I placed higher, but rather I was right where I always am. Dead mid pack.

The next day the thought occurred to me to get a G34 and set it up right.

There are 3 things I always do to a Glock:

  • Install better sights
  • Some trigger work
  • Undercut the trigger guard so that my middle finger has more room and allows me to get up higher on the grip.

For items 1 and 2 I let the use dictate what I will do.
For a carry/defensive gun I go with some sort of tritium front sight and an improved trigger, be it just a polish job or a drop in. In the case of the 19 it is an Ameriglo “Hackathorn” set of sights and a GlockTriggers “The Guardian”.

Since this gun was going to be purely for competition I set it up as follows:

  • Taran Tactical sights, flat black rear and Fiber Optic front
  • Taran Tactical extended mag basepads for increased round count
  • ZEV magwell, I went with the heaviest setup, brass with brass insert to both assist with reloads and reduce muzzle flip.
  • ZEV Fulcrum trigger with adjustable pre travel and over travel
  • 4lb striker spring
  • Polished safety plunger
  • Polished 3.5 lb connector
  • Undercut trigger guard
  • Jentra stainless steel guide rod for the Gen 4 to add a bit more weight to the muzzle to control flip

I also have some other sights from Warren Tactical/Sevigny and triggers such as The Edge from GlockTriggers and the DKCustom that I will be running and comparing.

Please stay tuned to this bat channel for more updates.

Glock 34 3 gun project

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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection




5 responses to “Glock 34 Gen 4 3 gun project”

  1. Andrew Miller Avatar

    I never realized that undercutting the trigger will have such a big effect on my performance with my G34. Great post.

    1. Charles Coker Avatar
      Charles Coker

      yep, it is mandatory as far as I am concerned!

      1. Rich Egelin Avatar
        Rich Egelin

        I really liked your article since I’m a beginner Glock 34 Comp guy.

        1. Charles Coker Avatar
          Charles Coker

          Hi Rich, glad you found it helpful and good luck !

  2. ccoker Avatar

    Just a quick update..
    The gun runs great.. and the addition of the heavy Zev magwell and Jentra stainless guide rod provide a noticeable improvement in keeping the sights on target.

    I like the Taran Tactical sights as well, good blend of speed and accuracy.

    I am going through running the various triggers as well.
    Will report back as able.

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