Beretta PX4

Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm Review

The Beretta PX4 Storm is a thoroughly modern pistol that checks all the boxes.  Polymer frame, yep.  Accessory rail, check.  Modular design, absolutely.  Ambidextrous safety, check.  Interchangeable backstraps, got it.  Mag release options, yes.  Decocking lever, built in to the safety.  Bruniton non-glare finish, yes.  High capacity magazine, 17 rounds.  Choice of calibers, frame sizes, and actions?  Check, check, check.

This is a review of the standard Beretta PX4 Type F in 9mm.  The Type F is a traditional double action/single action incorporating a decocking feature built into the safety.

One really cool design feature of the Beretta PX4 is the rotary barrel.  The rotary barrel and low axis result in a weapon with light felt recoil and minimal muzzle flip.  Given that the gun just “feels right” in your hand it is very easy to shoot.  I recently ran 500 rounds through it during a three hour training class and was not fatigued (no doubt partial credit goes to the Uplula mag loader!).

I have run 1,000+ rounds through her with zero fails.

Trigger pull and accuracy are about what you would expect from Beretta.

It is really amazing what the designers are doing these days.  The Beretta PX4 can be custom-fitted to just about anyone and it would seem appealing to say, a left-handed person of slight build, or a lady shooter, or anyone else who isn’t comfortable with a stock gun.

I’ve been carrying it in a Crossbreed holster and that rigs works fairly well.

Personal preference might direct you towards another weapon but the PX4 hits a sweet spot of price, performance, and features.

by Mike Coker

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Mike Coker

Publisher of Tactical Gun Review and Texas Outdoors Network. I love hunting for Texas whitetail deer, wild hogs, and high-volume Argentina dove. When not hunting you can find me fishing along the Texas Coast or on a wild Colorado river.





24 responses to “Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm Review”

  1. JP Avatar

    I have approximately 1200 rounds through my px4 and have never had a jam. I have only had one failure to fire and that was with Sig Ammo when they first launched their ammo line. I tried the round in a G19 still no go. I have zero issues with my Storm and carry it packed with Sig V Crown 124gr.

    1. P Avatar

      Great, very underrated pistol!!

  2. Guncritic Avatar

    Very interesting review on Beretta PX4 Storm. It’s great knowing what’s out on the market and your professional opinion counts. Great Job. Thank you.

  3. dano mano Avatar
    dano mano

    why do people worry so much about the saftey/decocker?

    If you want to carry it as a type G, just carry it with the safety “off”

    problem solved.

    1. Benjamin L Cost Avatar
      Benjamin L Cost

      Simple is not always apparent to some. But after reading all the reviews about customer no-service, I would never buy a Baretta.

      1. Avatar

        Only a fool thinks Beretta has bad customer service. …

  4. Kivaari Avatar

    I feel OK now. After seeing others have customer service issues with Beretta is somewhat comforting, knowing it wasn’t just me. I swear they keep a computer record of any contact you had with them. I chewed them out really badly about 30 years ago. The workmanship was absolutely trash. Ever since when I had problems with a Beretta firearm, I don’t even rate a return call, email or letter. I had sworn off Beretta years ago. Bumping into a new in the box CX4 w. 4 magazines for $335 pushed me over the edge. That was a fun gun, so I ordered a PX4 to go with it. If it works well, I can’t complain. I sure will if it doesn’t perform. Beretta will likely treat me like crap if I need help. It’s just who they are.

  5. Phillip Harbison Avatar
    Phillip Harbison

    If beretta’s customer service after the sale is anything like the C S before the sale, buy a beretta and be prepared to be POed . I called baretta USA to get some info on the PX4 because there are some discrepancies on the web site. The person I spoke with was curt and condescending as if I was interrupting him from doing something important. I guess customer service isn’t important? When I told him I had called Sig a few days earlier with similar questions ( I’ve been trying to decide which gun to buy and had narrowed it down to Sig and Beretta) I was treated politely and with respect, he hung up on me! I would challenge the authors of these gun reviews to comment on the service after the sale as well as the performance of the gun. I guess I should thank the A H on the phone because he helped me decide which gun to buy. I’m getting the Sig.

    1. Kivaari Avatar

      Your treatment by Beretta customer service is how they have been for over 30 years. I bought a CX4 9mm carbine last week. I thought it took M9 magazines, but it is configured for the PX4 and had 4 magazines included. Beretta has an ad for the PX4 coming with two additional magazines and a pouch if bought before June 30. I had never handled a PX4 before Tuesday of this week. I could reach the trigger for both DA/SA. With the sale I decided having a CX4 and a PX4 made some sense. Normally, I wouldn’t own a Beretta because of customer service issues. Chiefly rudeness. So, I ordered the pistol and should have it by Friday this week. I sure hope the two guns work well. The little shooting I did with the carbine was fun.

  6. BaldRob Avatar

    Zero issues with the Sub Compact and the Compact versions with over 1000 rounds each of 9mm Winchester Range Pack. I can tell a slight difference with the rotating barrel design. Coming from revolvers and Glocks, working thru the initial DA pull took some getting used too. I kept thinking there was a FTF, but with practice in both cases it’s out of sight/out of mind. Also, it’s no effort to pull the hammer back into SA. The gun can be modified as well. Very balanced and smooth shooting. Every bit as reliable as Glock, with the only real knock is the lack holsters and other accessories. The full size will be my next purchase

  7. JT Avatar

    I bought my PX4 (full size) in early 2013. I have now shot 3,000 rds (FMJ) thru it and not single failure. The slide cycles like glass. The pistol is very accurate. And the lines remind me of a Ferrari. I just got back from a tactical pistol class last night. You carry the gun with a round in the chamber and the hammer de-cocked with the safety/de-cocker in the fire position so your first shot out of the holster is double-action and you don’t have to worry about a safety. The safety/de-cocker doesn’t bother me when I rack the slide because I hold my thumb and fore-finger to the slide right up against the safety/de-cocker and use the safety/de-cocker to move the slide. After some practice I can rack the slide all day without any safety-bite.

  8. Mike Coker Avatar

    I agree that the safety control is at an awkward position and takes repeated practice to get quick with smoothly presenting and clicking to fire.

    1. Kivaari Avatar

      I should have ordered the “G” model. The safety rebounds to the ready position after dropping the hammer. I prefer that system over the “F”.

      1. Chuck Bryant Avatar
        Chuck Bryant

        It’s easily convertible, there are even youtube videos showing how.

  9. agnar150 Avatar

    I like this gun because it is very accurate and low recoil. What I don’t like is the safety. It hurts my hand when I cock the gun, plus it would be better with a matte finish to grip the slide better.

  10. mitch Avatar

    been using the 9mm compact for a couple of years now and love it. no problem with any ammo i’ve thrown at it, it eats it all. like it so much i bought the sub-compact also

  11. Bob Avatar

    I have been looking at the Beretta PX4 and like almost everything about the gun. The reviews are inconsistent. They are all over the place ranging from “This is the best gun I have ever owned” to “This gun jams all the time” We can’t blame the ammo because one PX4 will flawlessly shoot everything you run throught it and the next one will jam. Could this be a quality control issue?

    1. Bob Ru. Avatar
      Bob Ru.

      I own Beretta PX4 Storm F for 5 years, ~1-1.5K rounds shot – not a single jam!
      My friend owns Beretta 92FS – it jams pretty often. But this is completely different design.

      1. jeff Avatar

        mine is doing the same thing jamming but it has aftermarket POS mags getting a px4 storm inox 9mm instead in trade

    2. Bob Ru. Avatar
      Bob Ru.

      PS: I use inexpensive ammunition from Walmart – Federal and Winchester. Works 100% of the time.

  12. John Williams Avatar
    John Williams

    I have a Beretta PX4 Storm and I love the gun it works perfectly and no problems at all. Execpt when I used cheap reloaded 9mm ammo, I believe the fault of the ammo since I started useing a little better loads no problem. The cheap stuff also had the same problem in my CZ75 so I fault the ammo.

    The PX4 mags also fit my CX4 so that feature I like.

  13. cary kieffer Avatar
    cary kieffer

    I’m not surprised with Beretta’s customer service..ToddK’s story hits home with me after having tried to return 2 defective pistols to them for repair…2 BRAND NEW guns…a 92F back in the early 90’s and a 21A? I think it was in 22 cal. back about 96. Their customer service sucked both times and they refused to pay shipping either way! Reading your post pissed me off all over again and thats been many years ago LOL:) So I said screw it both times and returned both guns for a full refund to the dealers. I swore off Beretta after the second time. I’d find a new dealer too Todd…plenty of them out there will stand behind a new purchase. Johnson’s in Adrian MI where I shop now would never do that to you. That shop you went to would never see another nickel from me. Glad your gun is fixed though. Good job on getting her shooting! I love seeing that.

  14. Mike Coker Avatar

    Todd – Sorry to hear that. I’ve had zero problems with mine.

  15. ToddK Avatar

    Purchased a 9mm Compact version, for my girlfriend.
    First time at the range was a disaster.
    Double spring was bunching during recoil, causing constant failure to eject…

    Gun shop wouldn’t exchange, so ended up sending it off to Beretta.
    It took some time to get them to even admit there was a problem.

    Finally got the weapon back. And it functions properly.
    However, I will never be completely confident with the pistol.

    I was surprisingly disappointed with the weapon, and with Beretta.

    All that being said… the rotating barrel really does eliminate almost all recoil.

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