Author: Tactical Gun Review
Is MagnaCut the Next Breakthrough in Knife Steel?
MagnaCut, Benchmade, knife reviews, blade steel
The Importance of Proper Gun Cleaning and Maintenance
Owning a gun is a responsibility, part of which is regular maintenance and cleaning of your firearms. Though it might seem like a hassle you can forgo or be flippant about, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Taking the time to clean your firearm after every shooting session and doing regular maintenance is absolutely…
Gun Safety for Beginners
When it comes to getting into shooting or firearm hobbies, the first and most important thing beginners need to do is familiarize themselves with basic gun safety rules and principles. While many of the most common gun safety rules might seem obvious to people, they always warrant reiteration, as one slip-up with firearm safety can…
Five Glock Problems and How to Fix Them
Glock is typically considered to be one of the most reliable gun manufacturers around. But like any other firearm, it is a mechanical device. The more you use it, the likelier it is to break down. Fortunately, all its common malfunctions have simple fixes. Here are five of the most common issues with Glock pistols…
Tailoring Safety to Diverse Home and Vehicle Settings
By Scott Bonvisutto, President & Co-founder — Console Vault Statistics shed a grim light on the state of gun storage in the United States. Approximately 4.6 million children live in a house with one or more accessible and loaded firearms, and these guns are now the leading cause of death for children across the US. …
How to be Comfortable While Wearing Body Armor
In high-risk occupations, wearing body armor is essential for safety. However, it can also be uncomfortable. As personal safety becomes increasingly important, you must develop methods to reduce discomfort in challenging circumstances. Some methods can be like wearing a seatbelt in a car; necessary to keep you safe, but not always comfortable or convenient. However,…
How to Sight and Humanely Take Down a Deer
If you know where the vital organs are on a whitetail deer, you’ve got a good start. The heart, lungs, or a combination of the two are what you should be aiming for whether you’re using a bow or a rifle. But the exact aiming points to take a lethal shot change with the deer’s…
4 Secrets for Not Getting Lost in the Wild
Anyone can get lost in the wilderness – even the most experienced of outdoor enthusiasts. Unreliable cell service, spotty GPS, or just one wrong turn can take you far from main trails, leaving you disoriented and forced to attempt to navigate your way out of the wild on your own. With the right tools, skills,…
Kel-Tec PF9 – Ultimate Review of 2023
Kel-Tec is an industry leader, known for manufacturing innovative and cheap firearm designs. Their latest product, the PF9, is a steel and polymer handgun chambered in 9mm. The pistol shares a lot of similarities to both the P-11 and the P-3AT pistols. The assembly pin, slide stop, locking system, barrel, guide rod, recoil springs, and…
Everything You Need for an Overnight Hunting Trip
Nothing beats a night of sleeping under the stars after a day of hunting. From telling stories by a campfire to the peace you experience when your head hits the pillow after a long day, an overnight hunting trip offers an escape from the daily grind you can’t get anywhere else. An overnight excursion does…
4 Best Mule Deer Cartridges
Three vital components to any successful deer hunt are your location, rifle, and the cartridges that will bring down your quarry. The cartridge you use is especially important if you are hunting for mule deer, given that the average “muley” tends to be larger than their eastern relatives. You want to make sure you are…
What Is Better M-LOK Vs. KeyMod?
Handguards and rails are helpful when using weapons. They are beneficial when attaching lasers, lights, foregrips, and other accessories to the firearm. Some users do find that these attachments come with an added weight. However, there is always a balance between the benefits and drawbacks, which is why there are quite a few options for…
Know Your Bow: Recurve vs Compound Crossbows
If you’ve ever watched a movie or TV show based in Medieval Europe, you probably have a clear picture in your head when you hear the word “crossbow.” You can probably already see an archer pulling back a string along a stock of wood, causing two pieces of thin wood sticking out on either side…
How to Mount a Scope [Guide]
Attaching a scope to a rifle can feel like a complex evolution. If you do it incorrectly, your scope will move when firing it, and or you’ll be less accurate. However, if you have the right tools, and follow these steps, you’ll be able to properly mount your scope, and mitigate those problems. With that,…
Ontario Knife Company Air Force Survival Knife
There are times when you just can’t carry a 20-ounce, 15-inch long khukuri. In these times, I turn to my Air Force Survival Knife. This was a gift from a buddy of mine in AFSOC, given to me after he went through SERE (Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape) school. The knife is barely over 10…