Wilson Combat 308 and WIlson Combat 556

Accuracy testing the Wilson Combat 308 long range.

You know the saying, “only accurate guns are interesting” .  Well, the Wilson Combat 308 with the 18″ fluted barrel is VERY interesting.  It has proven to be very accurate and extremely important to me, especially for a 308 is that it is not finicky and shoots well with multiple types of ammo.  I have shot it with 165-178g ammo of about 10 different types.  All of them have the same point of impact.  Even out to 500 yards.  I have shot this gun and made hits out to 1K.  For hunting I would feel comfortable running several different loads of 165/168g ammo out to 400, 500 on a calm day.  If it is windy, of course the 175/178s work better at 500 and beyond.   In this video I run from 2-600 yards in 100 yard increments.  (special thanks to Copperhead Creek shooting range in Marble Falls, TX).  Optic on the 308 is a Bushnell LRHS (this is a fantastic scope) and the suppressor is a Templar Tactical Archangel.

Wilson Combat 308 and WIlson Combat 556
Wilson Combat 308 and WIlson Combat 556
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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection

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3 responses to “Accuracy testing the Wilson Combat 308 long range.”

  1. WP Avatar

    Neat video and love the rifle, but I don’t see how this tests the accuracy of the barrel.

    1. Charles Coker Avatar
      Charles Coker

      Well.. Lets see.. It shot small groups and all ammo went to the same point of aim out to 600 yards. Not sure what else there is to do to test for accuracy.

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