Young guns

Is there anything more American than teaching our children how to use a firearm?  I hear people that are anti gun talking about how they would never want a gun in their home or to let their children near guns.  I couldn;t disagree more..  you teach your kids to swim so they won’t drown.  You teach them to look both ways before crossing the street.  You teach them about the dangers of fire.  Shouldn’t they also be educated about firearms?  What happens if your kid that has never been taught the right way to handle a gun should come across one?  They are out there..  Yes, it is the parent’s responsibility to make sure guns are secure but the simple fact is guns are out there.  Wouldn’t it be smarter to make sure they understood what a gun does and to respect it?

My kids have been taught since they were in diapers about the rules of guns and they are much safer than some kid whose parents have made them taboo and off limits.   Kids, especially boys are very curious about guns..  Shouldn’t they know which end of the gun the bullet comes out of and what a trigger does?

david with glock34 david with ruger and target


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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection

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2 responses to “Young guns”

  1. ccoker Avatar

    He is an awesome kid..

  2. Mike Coker Avatar

    Way to go Super Dave!

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