Weatherby Vanguard II 308 suppressor ready

Weatherby Vanguard II 308 Suppressor Ready project

After getting such great results from the Weatherby Vanguard II 7mm08 we tested earlier I thought to myself, “it would be great if I could run a can on this gun” .  I contacted Tim at Weatherby and suggested they should offer these rifles in a shorter, threaded barrel given how popular hunting with suppressors has become.  He was interested.. We decided that due to barrel profile that the 20″ carbine model would be the right one to use as a base platform.

We are working on 2 different calibers, 308 and 7mm08. Both are cut to 16″ and threaded to Class 3 specifications.

The 308 is running a 1 in 10 twist barrel per my request so it should stabilize the long and heavy 30 cal projectiles like the 208g AMAX.   I am anxious to put a chrono on them as I have a 20″ 7mm08 and 20″ 308 so this should be a good way to see what the 4″ less barrel does to velocity loss.  I expect the 308 to suffer less than the 7mm08 due to the larger bore diameter.

This gun is a shooter..

.5″ groups with several different loads and it shot very well with subsonic 175 SMK ammo from Southwest Ammo.

See video below

This is the 308 with a Templar Tactical Archangel suppressor and a Nightforce NSX 2.5-10×42 in Talley rings. Weatherby Vanguard II 308 suppressor ready

Video of subsonic testing

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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection

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2 responses to “Weatherby Vanguard II 308 Suppressor Ready project”

  1. Ray Jacobs Avatar
    Ray Jacobs

    I’m interested in one also. Let me know if it becomes available!!

  2. Mike Avatar

    Awesome. Is Weatherby going forward with this, and long do we have to wait? 🙂

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