Trijicon Accupoint 1-6

Trijicon Accupoint 1-6

Trijicon, you need to make a 1-6 Accupoint with a reticle good for holdovers!!!

That has been the battle cry for a few years now..

Yes, at this point there ARE a lot of 1-6 scopes out there, good ones.  But as we all know, the awesome thing about Trijicons are no batteries to deal with and it’s “always on”.  Of course, they have introduced some battery powered lit reticle scopes over the last few years and they were done right but there is still a lot of people that really like the no battery concept.

I just got this in, the new 1-6 Trijicon Accupoint.  It has a mil dot reticle with a small center lit dot  It is the same reticle they have been using in the larger Accupoints.  I am personally not a big fan of BDC reticles and a simple mil dot just works.  Capped elevation and windage with the adjustments at .1 mil.

Reticle is in the 2nd focal plane which I personally prefer for a low powered variable.

The adjustment for the fiber optic which controls how much light is being fed to the fiber optic and thus how bright it is in the daylight has changed to a dial on the top of the rear ocular.  Very clean.

The power lever has a built in cattail for switching power fast.  Nice.

How does it perform?

Well, at first glance I would say the glass is very nice, it sure looks to me like they made some improvements in glass.  It has absolute edge to edge clarity.  The image is very flat and there is no tunneling or fisheye effect whatsoever.

I will get it mounted up and do some shooting with it ASAP!

Trijicon Accupoint 1-6
Trijicon Accupoint 1-6
Trijicon 1-6 Accupoint on Wilson Combat 556
Trijicon 1-6 Accupoint on Wilson Combat 556


















Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 on a WIlson Combat 6.8
Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 on a WIlson Combat 6.8
Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 mildot on a Wilson Combat 6.8 SPC
Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 mildot on a Wilson Combat 6.8 SPC
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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection

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4 responses to “Trijicon Accupoint 1-6”

  1. Mike Coker Avatar

    A review has been posted including lots of images. Check it out on the home page. Wanted a chance to really use it a few days in the field.

  2. John Avatar

    Is a Review coming anytime soon?

  3. jlow Avatar

    We need an update on this product. The article is one month old. Would like some specs especially weight – thanks!

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