Transition to Tactical: Burris AR-332

I’ve been a fan of Burris optics for years and I’ve used a variety of their scopes on a few of my guns. I think the brand is one of the best out there, and I haven’t had a bad experience with them. I really wanted a nice tactical rifle and I decided on an M&P 15. I loved the gun, but I wasn’t the biggest fan of the sight. It just didn’t seem to be accurate enough for what I bought the gun for.


After shooting it a few times I knew I wanted a better sight to help be more accurate a little further down range, so I was looking for something small but easy to use. I had heard about tactical sights but I had never actually used one, so I got to talking with a friend of mine about them because I knew he had one on his AR 15.


My buddy suggested that I check out the Burris AR-332, he had been using it on his AR 15 and he really liked it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted something with magnification or something like a simple flip-up sight. He said he had used both and would go with the AR-332 every time. We decided that it would be best if I went to the range with him so I could test each of them out.  


We had a lot of fun shooting and I must say that I was far more accurate with the Burris AR-332 than the little flip-up sight that he brought along.  It was a little foreign to me as I wasn’t sure quite how to dial it in, or if I liked the look of the reticle, but once I got things set up I was drilling every target we had set up. The flip-up just didn’t measure up in comparison. So I went out and got one for myself. Using the tactical sight seemed a little strange at first but it really has grown on me. I’ve noticed that when I want to go target shooting I’m reaching for my M&P 15 a lot more often. 
By: Calin

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Tactical Gun Review, along with Texas Outdoors Network, is published by Michael Coker and Charles Coker.

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