Tag: Load-bearing equipment

  • British PLCE Webbing Set

    British PLCE Webbing Set

    I’ve wanted a set of PLCE webbing for years now and have always balked at paying huge sums to get one from the overseas. This set of webbing is a great deal, since just a single PLCE utility pouch from Amazon costs $40 itself. For anyone who has ever wanted to own an interesting piece…

  • British Tactical 3-Row Hippo Belt and Yoke – Field Testing

    British Tactical 3-Row Hippo Belt and Yoke – Field Testing

    Over the last few weeks, I’ve been testing British Tactical’s 3-Row Hippo belt. I’m continually impressed at how much I can put onto the Hippo belt and Yoke Webbing system. At present, it’s about 30 pounds. When I pick it up, I think, “Damn, that’s heavy.” Then I put it on. The Hippo belt and yoke…