Consumer Holster Review: Galco Royal Guard

The Galco Royal Guard Holster is an excellent holster in my opinion. It has more pros than cons. This holster is offered for a wide variety of firearms, but I use it for the Glock 23.


-Quality leather which is smooth on the inside causing less holster wear on your firearms finish and fairly rougher on the outside to grip against your clothes.

-Nice cant to the holster. Not too little not too much.

-Quality snaps. Easily snap on, will not easily come off.


– My only con to this holster is that when carrying a Glock with it, I find it much more difficult to re-holster the firearm after drawing or simply putting it into the holster. Maybe I need to break it in more, but I carry every day with it for the past 7 months.

Overall, great holster for around $100.
By: Kevin Ellis

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Tactical Gun Review, along with Texas Outdoors Network, is published by Michael Coker and Charles Coker.

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