By Staff Writer: Charles Coker

Do you have a Springfield M1 Socom with the loud brake?  Want to be able to run the muzzle device of your choice?

Check out this slick little setup from Delta P Designs..

The Delta P Designs muzzle adapter  is a cleverly designed and cleanly executed two part kit that allows you to replace the factory setup with the brake and provides a threaded 5/8X24 muzle end.  Now you can put a flash hider, comp, suppressor or just a thread protector on it.

Installation took about 5 minutes and was a perfect fit.

No more loud brake!  How about a 16 Socom with a can ?  NICE!

DeltaP M1 Muzzle Adatper on Socom

DeltaP M1 Muzzle Adatper with Templar Tactical Blackout Ti Suppressor

Socom with Templar Tactical Blackout 30

Adam Socom

Adam with Socom and Templar Tatctcal Blackout Suppressor









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