Consumer Holster Review: Raven Concealment vs DSG Arms Alpha series

I recommend Raven over the DSG because you can get different belt loop sizes, taclight options and they are an overall smaller kit. Also with Raven you can get different Cut options like lead edge trim and a lower body shield in addition to mags facing rear or forward.
The Raven AR15 pouches are adjustable for tension using different mags: IE GI Mags, Magpul P and E mags , Lancer Systems L5, Tango down or Troy mags. The DSG will work with GI and Magpul mags only. Lead times (depending on what you order) from Raven can take anywhere from one week to months. DSG only a few days if in stock.
Both are well made quality kit. I have been using the Ravens for 3 years and DSG for about 1 and I have never had any loops break or kydex crack under stress even while doing urban prone where my weight is directly on the pouches against concrete. The pull tension on the Raven holsters is set at the guns weight plus mag so holding it upside down it will not fall out under its own weight. I can’t speak for the DSG pistol holsters but I have never seen or have heard anyone else in the community had a pistol fall out of the Raven under normal tactical activity like running, jumping or any dynamic movement related to tactical weapons manipulation

By: Ike Woodruff

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Tactical Gun Review, along with Texas Outdoors Network, is published by Michael Coker and Charles Coker.

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