By Staff Writer: Charles Coker
A few weeks ago I got the chance to put some rounds through a Springfield XDS 45 ACP, I have to admit, it was a good shooting concealed carry piece.
This isn’t meant to be a long, exhaustive review but rather my impressions on some recent range time with the Springfield XDS.
A friend of mine had recently purchased one and we were going to the range where I was going to do some training with him. He had recently bought it and wanted my take on it.
I had to check it out as I hadn’t actually shot one yet. I loaded up a mag full of 230g ball ammo, inserted the mag and racked the slide. I took center aim on an IPSC target at head at 15 yards and slowly squeezed off a round. Dead center, right to my point of aim. My buddy asked me what I thought of the recoil, of shooting a 45 out of such a small and light pistol. I said it was no problem whatsoever.. I put the Springfield XDS at my side and then quickly engaged center of mass of the target and dumped the rest of the rounds in it as fast as I could. I ran several mags through the gun including some one handed drills and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was for me to shoot both fast, and accurately.
I should note, that all of my shooting was the flush mount mag so my pinky was hanging off the gun.
We got to discussing the “shootability” of such a small gun. He is a relatively new shooter and to both him and his wife (new as well) and to both of them it was a bit hard to control. Of course, this is to be expected but I told him I would much rather shoot a baby 45 than a baby 40 as it is more of a push recoil than the snap of a 40 in a tiny, light gun.
As for me, I had no problems with the Springfield XDS and while I am not going to get into the debate of carrying fewer rounds of 45 vs more of 9 (or 40) suffice it to say that if I wanted to carry 45 in a light and very thin 45, this would probably be it. It was MUCH nicer to shoot than a Glock 27 or a Walther PPS in 40, both of which I have owned and sold.
In short, I think they have a winner with the Springfield XDS.
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