American Suppressor Association July Update

HPA in Review: July
July was a very active month for the ASA. In all, we made four trips to Washington, D.C., met with dozens of Congressional offices, sat down with staff from the White House, and attended the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s annual August Recess Shoot-Out on August 1st.

Both H.R.367 and S.59 have added new cosponsors this month:

•    Sen. John Boozman (R-AR)
•    Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS-2)
•    Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN-8)
•    Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC-5)
•    Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY-2)

One of the most common things that we hear when we meet with legislators is that they hear more from their constituents about the Hearing Protection Act than anything else. Keep up the good work, and help us keep the pressure on Congress!

“Gun owners deserve a win, and the time is now to take action. For 80 years, we have been unjustly regulated and taxed on sound suppressors. It’s time for this to end… Stand with me and make your voice heard.” – Marty Daniel, CEO – Daniel Defense

Make certain that your voice is heard by visiting

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Founding staff member, avid shooter, hunter, reloader and all around gun geek with an obsession for perfection

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